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[ Ninja Exam ] EXAM 40 + Above - Formations + Ninja (updated)


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On 2016-10-25 17:32:59Show this Author Only
can anyone help me with 86 earth main? tried using previous guide but there is no "yellow puppet"
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On 2016-10-25 17:39:36Show this Author Only
  • lonewolfchu On 2016-10-25 17:32:59
  • can anyone help me with 86 earth main? tried using previous guide but there is no "yellow puppet"
Follow Narutlth's steps here -> ... =25956&fromuid=7697 This post was last edited by 174***@facebook at 2016-10-25 17:44
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On 2016-10-25 18:39:31Show this Author Only
i need lineup for fire main on exam 88 i have 20k+ power
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On 2016-10-25 22:47:17Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-23 13:56:39
  • Exam 87 as Water Main
    save rasengan for blue guys in middle when he use skill then break it
Thanks worked perfectly for me, even if i had just azure fang and naruto full, the other one were lvl 62 and 63... thanks !
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On 2016-10-25 23:44:06Show this Author Only
  • imls On 2016-10-08 13:45:41
  • Stun Sasori ->Main skill Sasori (for stun and finish him) ->Kill Kisame -> done

    This post was last edited by V4SH at 2016-10-8 13:57
who can I use to replace GNW kiba?
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On 2016-10-26 04:00:23Show this Author Only
so since i'm stuck on 90 exam ... figured i'd share some 86-89 tips for wind!

mostly, i used gnw kankuro (godsend!) naruto and hinata. strongest wind in our server with empress build pretty much just auto'd them lol with her karin-chiyo-hinata team (karin's poison doing most work + her rasengan) but she had more pwr for it. so. i made other solutions.

generally each time you're going to want to switch up your lineup to suit whatever's best. some trial and error.

first one is fire. this one was a pain, since ignite did most of work. tobi is very good for this, and i think i used gnw kankuro, tobi, and hinata for this. they all work together pretty well. your giant rasengan does tai dmg -- take advantage of this for green puppets! let tobi ignite the heck out of that fire puppet, gnw kankuro (also does tai) can help ignite/poison the whole field (seriously, he's godly for these exams) and hinata is shielding you from the attacks but also if you time it right you c*e her to interrupt some of the puppets ults. fire goes first iirc? some flame jutsu ofc. and then the tai puppets with their leg sweeps. use the repulse tiger and your lf-->hf passive so you should get a pretty good combo that ends with hinata acu'ing them. and ofc your rasengan will cause repulse too, i think i had gale fan and blast on too. and lots of lots of shadow clones lol. can't remember lineup totally but if i had to guess it was probably something like:


then next one. wind! i got stuck on this for a day. ;P the nin puppets will put those * freakin controls on you and i hate it. u can consider bringing impetus into it but. then u just get controlled and you can't even blast them into space in punishment once ur free. honestly i might have used it (don't rly remember) but i think not. anyways that's when i brought naruto in. once again ignite/poison is a godsend for taking down these puppets. always try to do kankuro's ult first so that the poison has longer to stack. !ABSOLUTELY STOP THE WIND PUPPET FROM DOING THEIR ULT! idek why but i found this easily the worst ult. it could destroy my team. i want wind to have move that op, but alas. again, use hinata to acu him, benefit of this is u can start a combo with u or naruto (and even from his standard tai attack to front enemy) that should help. also i may have had my wind enhance on. only downside is against these puppets that extra shield for hinata can help her survive long enough to turn the tide.

generally my advice for all of these -- you can still pull a win even if it's just naruto clone spamming and hanging on until the last puppet drops, but only if they're dripping in so much poison u can just outlast them into dropping (and avoid timeout loss.) so don't be totally discouraged if it's down to that. but if the special puppet isn't buffed then don't bother, reset.

after wind was ... water? yeah same strategy, same team. just line them up where they work best. i liked to line kankuro up so he standards the special puppet, which means he and hinata are normally in front of it, but if you think that's not working just switch it up. tried to take that nin puppet out early i think bc of controls but idk. lot of these exams were done on auto, i just made sure kankuro's ult went off first. water puppet's ult isn't the worst but still try and avoid it.

then lightning. this one annoying just bc they hid the special puppet in the back. >_> inconvenient. they did balance this out by making its ult the weakest. not a big deal. just follow the same protocols, and you should be good.

anyways i hope this helps someone! :victory:
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On 2016-10-26 10:12:03Show this Author Only
  • imls On 2016-09-09 18:21:29
  • Exam 85

    lvl 69

    1st round - Kimi must dodge all 1st attack Orochimaru(if he cant u need retry). After second attack use Kurenai for heal.
    2nd round - Use main skill for cancel spell.
    After 3rd round use Kurenai skill again on Kimi.
    After Orochimaru you need kill Sanke. After 2nd round vs Snake use skill Guy for cancel spell. Then Snake will eat you. After the snake ate you use Kurenai skill on Guy. Insade snake have 2 skills. 1st no needed to cancel, wait when Snake use second spell and cancel it. Now u need finish snake. After Snake attack, Kimi and Guy need to survive for finish.
    Sorry for my english.
    Thank you Diogo Melchiades on youtube for video how to pass 85 exam - This post was last edited by V4SH at 2016-9-10 22:58
Thanks for the guide !
Can Kurenai be substitued with Pain - Gakido ?
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On 2016-10-26 17:41:31Show this Author Only
  • dziokim On 2016-10-25 18:39:31
  • i need lineup for fire main on exam 88 i have 20k+ power
Just helped someone set up for this the other day so I will share with you the team I put together for them and worked.
Ninja Exam level 88 Fire Main
Hinata, Naruto, and Kankuro

Summon: Ninja Monkey

Round One:
Use Hinata's mastery skill.
Target the front Taijutsu Puppet and wait for the next round.

Round Two:
Use Naruto's mastery skill on the front Taijutsu Puppet.
Target the back Taijutsu Puppet and wait for the next round.

Round Three:
Use Kankuro's mastery skill on the back Taijutsu Puppet.
Target the Ninjutsu Puppet and wait for the next round.

Round Four:
Use Naruto's mastery skill on the Ninjutsu Puppet.

Round Five and Beyond:
Now you pretty much play the sleep and ignition game with the Water Puppet until it kicks the bucket. Utilize Kankuro's mastery skill every time it is up as it applies a strong ignition and poison effect which still *s on these unique puppets.

Final Notes:
I'd like to point out to use your best judgement on when to use your Scarlet Blaze's sealing jutsu for this.
Conditions to consider using:
Water Puppet resists your sleep.
Taijutsu Puppet if your sleep lands on the Water Puppet in the second round.(Reduce as much damage taken by the puppets as possible so immobilizing one Taijutsu Puppet helps.)

All and all, should never use it on the Ninjutsu Puppet. Doesn't really do too much to your team to warrent the use. This post was last edited by RakaMikazuki at 2016-10-26 18:02
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On 2016-10-26 18:23:07Show this Author Only
Does anybody have some tips for exam 101 with fire main?
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On 2016-10-26 21:51:02Show this Author Only
  • RakaMikazuki On 2016-10-26 17:41:31
  • Just helped someone set up for this the other day so I will share with you the team I put together for them and worked.
    Ninja Exam level 88 Fire Main
    Hinata, Naruto, and Kankuro

    Summon: Ninja Monkey

    Round One:
    Use Hinata's mastery skill.
    Target the front Taijutsu Puppet and wait for the next round.

    Round Two:
    Use Naruto's mastery skill on the front Taijutsu Puppet.
    Target the back Taijutsu Puppet and wait for the next round.

    Round Three:
    Use Kankuro's mastery skill on the back Taijutsu Puppet.
    Target the Ninjutsu Puppet and wait for the next round.

    Round Four:
    Use Naruto's mastery skill on the Ninjutsu Puppet.

    Round Five and Beyond:
    Now you pretty much play the sleep and ignition game with the Water Puppet until it kicks the bucket. Utilize Kankuro's mastery skill every time it is up as it applies a strong ignition and poison effect which still *s on these unique puppets.

    Final Notes:
    I'd like to point out to use your best judgement on when to use your Scarlet Blaze's sealing jutsu for this.
    Conditions to consider using:
    Water Puppet resists your sleep.
    Taijutsu Puppet if your sleep lands on the Water Puppet in the second round.(Reduce as much damage taken by the puppets as possible so immobilizing one Taijutsu Puppet helps.)

    All and all, should never use it on the Ninjutsu Puppet. Doesn't really do too much to your team to warrent the use. This post was last edited by RakaMikazuki at 2016-10-26 18:02
thanks dude its worked :)
This post was last edited by 145***@facebook at 2016-10-26 21:54
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On 2016-10-27 17:11:34Show this Author Only
  • dziokim On 2016-10-26 21:51:02
  • thanks dude its worked :)
    This post was last edited by 145***@facebook at 2016-10-26 21:54
No problem, glad I could help.
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On 2016-10-28 05:22:35Show this Author Only
I need lineup with light main to 88 lvl. This post was last edited by OrangeHokage at 2016-10-28 05:36 This post was last edited by OrangeHokage at 2016-10-28 05:39
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On 2016-10-28 07:03:02Show this Author Only
Anyone got a lineup for 98 and 99 as water main?
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On 2016-10-28 19:43:06Show this Author Only
  • Amopakamu On 2016-08-04 01:28:30
  • It takes a lot of clones ( SAI ) and Katsuya will not spit

    p.s. Instead Neji put Sai

    This post was last edited by Amopakamu at 2016-8-4 01:33
help me line up for EXAM 55 please scarlet braze
star 3 : kakasih,guy,zabuza,baki,garaa,kankuro,hinata.
star2 : naruto,sakura,sasuke,neji,tenten,RockLee,shikamaru,shino,kiba.
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On 2016-10-29 04:41:53Show this Author Only
  • RakaMikazuki On 2016-10-26 17:41:31
  • Just helped someone set up for this the other day so I will share with you the team I put together for them and worked.
    Ninja Exam level 88 Fire Main
    Hinata, Naruto, and Kankuro

    Summon: Ninja Monkey

    Round One:
    Use Hinata's mastery skill.
    Target the front Taijutsu Puppet and wait for the next round.

    Round Two:
    Use Naruto's mastery skill on the front Taijutsu Puppet.
    Target the back Taijutsu Puppet and wait for the next round.

    Round Three:
    Use Kankuro's mastery skill on the back Taijutsu Puppet.
    Target the Ninjutsu Puppet and wait for the next round.

    Round Four:
    Use Naruto's mastery skill on the Ninjutsu Puppet.

    Round Five and Beyond:
    Now you pretty much play the sleep and ignition game with the Water Puppet until it kicks the bucket. Utilize Kankuro's mastery skill every time it is up as it applies a strong ignition and poison effect which still *s on these unique puppets.

    Final Notes:
    I'd like to point out to use your best judgement on when to use your Scarlet Blaze's sealing jutsu for this.
    Conditions to consider using:
    Water Puppet resists your sleep.
    Taijutsu Puppet if your sleep lands on the Water Puppet in the second round.(Reduce as much damage taken by the puppets as possible so immobilizing one Taijutsu Puppet helps.)

    All and all, should never use it on the Ninjutsu Puppet. Doesn't really do too much to your team to warrent the use. This post was last edited by RakaMikazuki at 2016-10-26 18:02
how do you make kanuros puppet go between naruto and hinata??
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On 2016-10-29 11:13:35Show this Author Only
  • RakaMikazuki On 2016-10-13 12:36:55
  • Ninja Exam level 95 Fire Main
    Hinata*5, Kankuro*2, and Tobi*4

    Round One:
    Use Hinata's mastery skill and pre-target Kakashi.
    Wait until Kankuro uses his standard attack and use your Main's mastery skill during the animation of it.
    Target Guy and wait for the next round.
    (Go ahead and reset if Hinata is below half Life, Asuma resists acupuncture, or Kakashi resists the sealing jutsu.)

    Round Two:
    Quickly use Kankuro's mastery skill on Guy.
    (With any luck this should hopefully kill off Kakashi's Water Clone making him open to being slept by your Main.)

    Round Three:
    Use Tobi's mastery skill on Guy once more, this needs to kill him. Asuma should be dead by now or 1-2 hits from it.
    (It kept getting messy around this part for me as Guy is a madman and kept ripping my Sasori/Main apart.)

    Round Four and Beyond:
    Kurenai is going to shield whoever has the lowest remaining life on her team, I'd personally suggest trying to take out Kakashi first if it can be helped.
    It's pretty straight forward otherwise at this point, just do what you can to finish them off and hope Tobi decides that dodging is a good idea for when Kakashi wants to use his mastery skill on him.

    Final Notes: I'm going to save you guys a headache here. Please do not try this below at least 27.5~28k Power. I completed this at 26.2k Power myself, but man did it bother me. I nearly gave up after at least 2.5Hrs of resetting over and over. So I'd say at the very least try at 28k Power. I will note the stats of my ninjas below.

    Level: 80
    Stars: 5
    Cultivation: Max
    Awaken: Gold+3
    Mood: Life+25%

    Level: 80
    Stars: 2
    Cultivation: Max
    Awaken: Gold+3
    Mood: Attack+25%

    Level: 80
    Stars: 4
    Cultivation: Max
    Awaken: Gold+3
    Mood: Ninjutsu+25% This post was last edited by RakaMikazuki at 2016-10-13 13:02
tyvm for this. beat it with same team comp. hinata 77-4star, tobi 77-3star, gnw kank 77-3star. cult max, awaken gold+1, total bp - 27k
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On 2016-10-29 13:26:08Show this Author Only
I wonder if there's a strategy for Azure Fang against level 81-84 without the use of Jiraiya and Tsunade. I'm at level 63 so I can't get them for free yet. My power is around 17.1k (3* AF, 4* Hinata, 4* Sasuke, 2* GNW Kiba). I'm also an F2P player, so please suggest a lineup with characters that are obtainable without having to pay.

Ninjas I have:
1-star: Chouji
2-star: Ino, Shikamaru, Shino, Kiba, Temari, Haku, Ukon Sakon, Kidomaru, Tayuya, Anko, GNW Neji, GNW Kiba, GNW Kankurou (will turn 3-star at the end of Oct.)
3-star: Neji, Suigetsu, Kakuzu, Kurenai, Zabuza, Zabuza (7 Swordsmen), Kimimaro, Kisame, Lee, Tenten, Kankurou
4-star: Sasuke, Naruto, Hinata, Guy, Kakashi, Kabuto, Chiyo

Summons: all blue and purple ones, no gold.

Thanks in advance for the help! Cheers!
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On 2016-10-30 05:16:53Show this Author Only
Ninja Exam Level 100 Fire Main:
Hinata*5 , Konkuro*2 , and Tobi*5

Brief Note:- The steps here are pretty straightforward, they either work, or not. There is no other way around. Ofc there are rng involved here, but for me it was a lot less troublesome than exam 95. You will know whether it will work or not within first 2 round.
Strategy:-Round 1:
Use hinata mystery. Now comes a few key RNG part:
i) Tobirama passive can blind 2 of your ninja, one of which will be reflected by your mirror. Make sure your main isn't blind here. If he is, restart.
ii) Due the the steps involved here, hinata must survive till round 3. For that to happen, it is very very important to make sure that hinata doesn't take any damage here. If your hinata has massive hp, then she might still be standing after taking low dmg here, but that never happened with me. So just make sure she evade every single attack. This will be a lot easier if any one of Sarutobi, Tobirama or Minato was blinded before.
If things goes well your main will put hashirama to sleep and from here on out he will be a 'sleeping beauty'.;P

Round 2:
Minato will try to use his jutsu, so use konkuro on him. Make sure he doesn't dodge it and hinata successfully acupuntures him. Now hinata must survive this round. This will be a whole lot easier if she didn't take any dmg in earlier round. Minato will take 2 standard attack on Tobi, killing him once. But, Tobi is tobi, we all know why we both love and hate him. So, he will revive and things will go as per plan.

Round 3:
Time for tobirama to use his mystery. So quickly use your main's mystery on him and hinata will acupunture. Minato may/may not be alive at this point. If he is alive, finish him with Tobi, otherwise use tobi on Tobirama.
Hinata's job ends here. After this she will be killed by Sarutobi. Tobirama has bloodthirsty passive, so he will destroy your clone and hurt you, but its nothing fatal.

Round 4:
Your main will put hashirama to sleep. Ignore Hiruzen and use konkuro on Tobirama to finish him off. Also use your main's mystery on Hiruzen. Hiruzen's mystery might kill your main here. Just hope that tobi either dodge it or isn't dead. Hiruzen will die here.

Round 5:
Now only Hashirama left. Use tobi on him. This should finish him off, but if i doesn't, Konkuro will finish the job.

That's it. Enjoy the victory here and hope for some super kage scroll drop.
Credit for this goes the video here:
Special note: My favourite Exam guide author here is Rakamikazuki, so I just followed his writing method. Special thanks to him to help me and many others complete previous exams with crystal clear guide and even providing suggestions for this exam.

This post was last edited by Sourav at 2016-10-30 05:22
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On 2016-10-30 14:38:55Show this Author Only
  • Suddenn On 2016-10-29 04:41:53
  • how do you make kanuros puppet go between naruto and hinata??
It's the order you place your ninjas in their slots. Move your main to the slot recommended in the strategy first, then Kankuro to his, and then Naruto to his.
The order you move your ninjas to their slots is the order that buffs/pet summons/etc. at the beginning of combat take place.
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On 2016-10-30 19:36:09Show this Author Only
wind 80 exam. It's USELESS.
I don't have them pains or Konan!
Quicky Post

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