Views: 3711 | Replies: 9
[ Events ] Bijuu Bomb- Tailed Beasts Attack


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-04 09:29:52Show All Posts
  • MasahiroTakai On 2018-08-04 07:43:03
  • If it doesn’t give u ridiculous amounts of free * it’s deemed a bad event by the community.

He's just trying to point out that the event isn't bad if you dont mind spending 700 coupons. In terms of not spending coupons/ingots, it's one of the worse. You have to look at different viewpoints. Just like how some might view RNG events as good as long as they win the prize. Hopefully, people should not think that an event is terrible just because they don't benefit from it while some can.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-08-04 09:30:37.
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