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[ Events ] Why you doing this to us Oasis?!!!!!! Green Bells went missing!!!


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-02 23:30:20Show All Posts
  • ZWen On 2018-08-02 21:52:54
  • What make you think they will update 5.0 in October? There is no comfirmation about it, just because DE got it 2 months after they got assist link doesn't mean we will get them in the same amount of time.

    It's very clear like Kuebiko said, they are limited the feature to HEAVY spender who RECHARGE with MONEY to get bells, not coupon. After sometimes they will open the feature for casual p2p and f2p who use both coupon/ingot and keep it running for another 1, 2 months or even longer than that before they update 5.0.

    Of course this is just my own assumption about their business tactic so it may not mean anything but I know for sure Oasis know how to make money better than most of us here, so you don't have to question their business tactics since you don't have any number in your hand. Just keep play the game, take it slow and enjoy whatever you can.

he didn't say that 5.0 is in october, he said that sun and moon shop is in october, so he thinks that we get 5.0 before (maybe september).

Honestly speaking i think too we will get it in september (for the simple reason that never happened once that we had to wait more than 2 months after germany got something before we got it too) and the sooner it appears the better is since solves 90% of the mystery delay lag issues.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-08-02 23:31:23.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-06 09:25:02Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-08-05 22:10:51
  • The 1st week you were able to use your coupons to get green bells....

    It's not their fault you didn't either have enough that you wanted or did not pay attention.

but was capped at 30.

Ok, 30 is fine as the 1st day but that still is capped at those 30 after 2 other weeks is not that fine, overall if they are giving us the blue/purple packs in konoha gift shop at 225 coupons and in this time limited treasure for around 250 coupons.

Basically, as soon as they make green bells available there will be players that for 10k coupons are able to get a direct level 32 assisted ninja.

that's what doesnt' make any sense.

Quicky Post

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