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[ Player Guide ] God guo's player tips series, line up


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  • Registered: 2018-05-28
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On 2018-07-31 20:44:28Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Some little tips of this game.

Naruto online is a game for all Naruto readers, for other players who never read Naruto this is just a normal website game which has not such beautiful person model but for us Naruto readers this is a game which repose all our like and touch by that comic. So now I want to say something about this game, maybe some you already know, but if just one tip can help you then this essay is useful.

Line up:

We all have 9 blank to fill up with ninja and their summons, one team mostly allow four ninjas to fill in (includes our character ), and together our ninjas(4), the summon of our main, the summon clone and summon animals we cannot get more then 9 units. For example, if we have a line up as for light main, sakura (great ninja war), sai, Naruto. Then when the battle start, Naruto will summon 3 clones(when he is over 3 stars), and our light main also use a passive to summon 2 clones , so now we have 4 ninja and 3+2=5 summons, together as 9 units. This time the line up is full, although we c*e sai and sakura’s mystery to summon other things, but we do not have any blank for them, so the mystery will work, the cooldown time will calculate, but nothing will happen.


We can easily find than the nine blanks line up is just like the small keyboard of our computer, so we just named these blank as the small keyboard.

7 8 9

4 5 6

1 2 3


So here we can insert some interesting identify, like the description in hinata’s mystery, the front row, and now we can easily find that the front row is 9,6,3 these three sets. So we put hinata on anyone out of 369 these three blanks can her works like the saying in her mystery skill.


And also what I want to say is the order of these blanks. The order of these blanks is from right to left, from top to bottom. In details is 9,6,3,8,5,2,7,4,1. This is the order of these nine blanks, but the order is not just such a easy thing. I’ll talk about this later in another essay. But not all things follow this order, the prompt mystery before the attack, the puppet act with his master ninja, the summon clones and other summons act after all ninjas action, I’ll make an essay mainly about order somedays later.

The place where you put your ninja in does not only influence the order they move, but also influence the buff they can get, and this buff just comes from the tactics. For example, the tactics ghost kill, it can provide attack buff for ninjas on 2,5,8. So in my another essay about how to beat nine tails I provide a team that light main, mifune, darui just stand on 8,5,2, so this way these ninjas who all can attack 2 times a round just have the buff of tactic ghost kill. The reason I did not put guy in this row but another row left these three is for that if I put him in the row right of 2,5,8, then he will move further then these three main damage makers, and he only can attack once a round wo I do not consider him as a main damage maker, so he has to stay at one of these three blanks,1,4,7.


Out of the place you put your ninjas, the order you put your ninjas in is also important. Attention, not the order they move, but the order you put them in to the line up. Cause the order of passive works when the battle start does not depend on their move order or initiative, but only depends on the order you put them in. Here I have a classical line up, Ay, Omoi, samui, earth main. Omoi’s passive is to summon two clones when the battle start, when samui’s passive is to provide a shield to all the light feature ninjas. So if we put samui and then put omoi, when the battle start samui will provide her shield before omoi summon his clones, this way the two summon clones do not have the shield provided by samui. But if we change this, put omoi first and then put samui, this will not influence their move order if you do not change their place, the move order only depends on where they are, while the passive working order depends on when you put him or her in the line up. Back to this example, if we put omoi then put samui, omoi will summon his clones and then samui start to provide her shield. For the clones are also light feature, these two clones c*so have the shield provided by samui. So pay attention to this especially when you have a ninja who can provide a shield when battle start, like samui, iruka, gaara and so on.


So this is some tips abotut line up, the next tip essay will be about the order. Hope this can help someone, and if I made something wrong you can tell me by reply this.

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