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Purpose of the game


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On 2018-07-20 23:28:29Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey guys...

Lately i've been noticing this... It seems that we, on the UK, HK, US servers etc. are depending way too much on watching youtube vids and taking lineups from china... I feel like the purpose of this game should be creating your own squad, making your own strategies etc... I'm not against people taking ideas off youtube, specially on ninja exam which can become extremely hard and i understand that you might need some help to do it, but people that fully depend on the lineups they see on youtube, use them everywhere for months will eventually get extremely tired of the same old routine... Sure you can just copy something else but i think we will eventually get tired of always having to follow what someone else is doing... I'm not saying you shouldn't use metas or teams that already exist, but i think you should go on the simulator once in a while, try different stuff, cause that's a big part of the game, you building your own strategies...

And we can see the effects from copying everywhere... You see the same lineup almost everywhere around these servers, meanwhile on china they are having real fun, real competition... they are the ones bulding the lineups and having fun doing it... We could try to do the same or else this game will become very boring for us...

Tell me what you think about this guys.

Ps: not trying to insult anyone that just follows youtubers, just saying that you will become bored with this game eventually.

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On 2018-07-20 23:58:48Show All Posts
  • funnkye On 2018-07-20 23:53:07
  • I agree. Everybody with lIght main-shisui-itachi anbu-iruka or kushimaru-jimpachi-light main-sasori. So sick of this.. more than half or my server are light main because of root of warrior E===D

yea those kinds of teams are very overused, and most ppl use that for months, i know a lot of people that got bored because they just kept using the kushimaru jinpachi team and they just left, some of them actually spent money here, so imagine the waste that is... Also not too long ago i made the lineup of shisui, kushina heba and itachi anbu (not saying i invented it, i'm sure i didn't lol, i just went on simulator, *ysed positives and negatives and saw it was a very good lineup) back then only 2 ppl ( me included) were using it, i saw the potential it had if used right, and not too long after, everyone started using it lol and of course that made me upset and i had to change teams. Thank god i have king of hell and could build something that not too many ppl can, but one guy tried my current lineup with rhino, and i guess it didn't work cause he never used it again xD

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On 2018-07-21 00:12:44Show All Posts
  • Kuro하돌 On 2018-07-21 00:06:54
  • same goes to hiruzen some people thought he can control the game even had same bp or more . yet it not .

on bonds he can control it i guess, unless you have a lot of stacked shields but yes some ppl just spent 600$ thinking he could just beat everyone with no effort.

My opinion on edo hiruzen: For me he's the type of char that people that hate the game use, because it takes no skill to use him, he fast kills, which is what these guys want, they probably hate every event on this game but they feel stuck to the game cause they already spent a lot, so they get this guy that finishes a fight in half of a second and they don't have to care about skills or strategy or way of playing or anything... Maybe that's not the case but that's the impression it gives me

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On 2018-07-21 00:18:46Show All Posts
  • Raizel Di Cadiz On 2018-07-21 00:13:30
  • i know sure thing anout that


    and i agree with you i even hate to see minato hokage and shisui teams in arena or in anywhere i know some ppl they never change they team from where minato was in lucky sn@tch and this was from long long long time i just hate meet those players -__-

they will eventually quit, it's unavoidable if they keep that up...

I know the best example, remember the water meta? Mabui tenten gnw and mei? EVERYONE used that, it was crazy, but it eventually faded away, not just the team, but the players that used it as well, like 80% of ppl that i saw using that ended up leaving, it was a very boring squad to use. Another example, the water cancer with sailor han and roshi with water main... One of my friends was using that and he left of course... That's the most boring squad to use in a game like this because you can put it on auto, it ''plays'' by itself, just healing and expecting your opponent to do little damage... Everyone that's using that currently i'll guarantee you, they will quit soon

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On 2018-07-21 00:53:03Show All Posts
  • S440-Genesis On 2018-07-21 00:37:43
  • may i ask what is your current lineup?

atm i'm using angel konan shisui and gakido with breeze, i made it on the simulator and tested it on the arena and turned out great... But for sometime i've been using shisui killer b and kushina, full immune squad... it's very useful to have a full immune squad with you at sage cause lots of ppl use the usual poison and ignition stack type of squads, even though its not a very effective team in terms of fast kill to gather points on sage but that's something to improve in the future

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On 2018-07-21 00:55:47Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2018-07-21 00:29:34
  • The thing is, there will always be a "meta" or High Competitive teams in every competitive game you play. This can't be avoided, people will play the best ninjas.

    So the best thing for you to do is play "Anti-meta" that focuses on breaking the meta.

    For example, Jinpachi, Kushi, Edo Sasori, LM, just run Han/MM to counter Kushi, when Kushi drops the team falls apart.

that is also very true, but it's sad to look at top 100 on space time and you see the same team spammed all over the tablescore... The gm99 players also have the advantage of having a bunch of breakthroughts to work with and a lot of improved chars, so they have more variety th*

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On 2018-07-21 04:03:49Show All Posts
  • Waka_Man On 2018-07-21 01:53:24
  • The things you've said is all okay for me, but the only thing that irritates me is the idea of comparing things from other versions of the game to what we are having and getting here .. The arguments and debates, rants and comparisons that "ah here they get it free then us pays for this","this ninja was given for free in this version, whole set", "better give full set or don't give at all" life what the *censored* man, its better to have something than nothing completely and don't take other people who is already contented with what they get with your *censored* idea .. "this is intended to be free but being sold here" like how the hell did you know that the said ninja or item is intended to be free? ah yes, because you saw it or watched it from other version's youtube video .. Everything they release and update here in EN is what the management intends to give and not anything else ..

    Back to the real topic, well people tends to copy teams when they see it good and strong better than to what they self made or built .. If the said teams from other versions are good enough to gave them win then they will copy it .. Everybody wants to have a good strong team and what they will do is go for the already proved and tested teams .. I admit i'm one of those people who only copies teams from other people of from youtubers but sometimes i adjust the compositions specially if i don't have one of the ninja .. But yeah, creating team is fun to do and i actually doing it now, i have a bunch of screenshots from simulator that i mix-match so it will be ready for me to check if i plan to use the teams i mix-match ..


i don't really care about what they get for free and we don't... My point is that they are the creators and we are just following the herd. That's not good for us. I do not care about what they get more th* or not... Fact is you go to any chinese server and it's probably full, meanwhile you go to a EN server and almost every single one is empty, except maybe from the 1 to the 100th server, for some reason that happens... Maybe it's because they have more stuff or... maybe because here the game is more boring due to us always having to copy from them...

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On 2018-07-21 04:09:59Show All Posts
  • SomeoneRandom On 2018-07-21 04:03:33
  • You forgot that people will also get bored and quit if they play creative but weak teams. And if you create a well balanced team people will be quick to copy it anyway. It is sad, but this is how this kind of games are.

    This is why the best phase of the game is mid game when people have some ninja from treasures, but maybe not a full meta lineup. And you c*so actually win with improvised teams because not everybody owns a shisui or a minato.

    Maybe in the future when we have more ninja and breakthroughs we'll see more creative teams. Oh wait... half the community are already putting together their kakuzos and edo deidaras

yes it's terrible this... I think this game is trying too hard to please the mega cashers and they have to realize that not everyone puts hundreds of dollars on here... Even china is guilty of this... They are giving the mega whales chars that finish fights in half of a second! It's ridiculous and i don't get the appeal... This is a strategy game lol why are they creating chars like edo hiruzen, angel konan or giving kakuzu earth grudge such an overpowered breakthrough? It's so dumb if you think about it, it contradicts the whle purpose of this game, which is to create teams and have a well planned battle strategy, it doesn't take a brain to activate edo hiruzen at the beginning of the round and he finishes the battle right away like it happens on bonds lol

And i bet with anyone on here, these guys getting chars like edo hiruzen are people that hate pvp, they hate it so they go on pvp battles with hiruzens so other ppl don't have a chance to win, ofc pvp is what rewards ppl the most so they are forced to do it, and the game is giving them chars like this... It's getting out of control... At least they decided to nerf some of these chars, that's not a bad start to correcting the mess they made

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On 2018-07-21 04:18:59Show All Posts
  • realkoolaid242@ On 2018-07-21 04:12:51
  • The reason we cant necessarily make to teams or innovate new stuff is what naruto online is. It's a browser game. There will always be top tier ninjas and what i meant by that is either you have the money or you dont. Power triumphs all and to get that power you need to commit to be a "p2w player". There really isnt much after that honestly. Only the 10% that actually spends alot in this game MAY think about counter teams but that'll be copy because lets be honest, there isnt much counters either. Just who have the money or who doesnt.

well if a guy can play really well and focus on the right things as i've done (i'm not f2p but i've cashed WAY less than the ''top dogs'' on my space time, i'm top 7 on power currently there) you have a chance of being sucessfull, but winning space time is out of the question, i've been space time expert several times but it's like you said... it comes to a point where either u have money or you don't, you can only make it so far... but never as far as you wish... there will always be that mega casher standing in front of you hungry for that win, i've already given up on winning space time, it's the only thing i haven't won yet but it's impossible at this point.... The top cashers are miles ahead on initiative

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On 2018-07-21 04:32:20Show All Posts
  • realkoolaid242@ On 2018-07-21 04:30:12
  • See. Very unpopular opinion: It doesn't matter how strategic you are, if you dont have the money, you're not going to win. And that *s.

still you can manage to be sucessfull, there's no need to be the best... And having merit on your sucess is always important... That kind of opinion can be a little demotivating for the most folk out there... They can still succeed

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On 2018-07-21 06:26:10Show All Posts
  • takosabi On 2018-07-21 05:46:57
  • Even high spenders have the same issue as you. Unless you are the top whale, you pretty much cannot win space time unless they no show. Play to have fun, and not being #1. You'll never be #1 in your server bracket unless you are spending ten's of thousands of dollars a year on this game.

that's right, but even in sage these ppl try to dominate everything... the big whales actually go hunting for any threats to them or their group members... It's hard to play with these ppl going around trying to prove some point lol everybody knows they stink without their cash so whatever point they are trying to prove, it's failling hard, everybody knows it's ''fake'' power cause it's all cash made

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On 2018-07-21 06:31:55Show All Posts
  • vsai12 On 2018-07-21 06:04:34
  • The idea of "creating your own squad, making your own strategies" sounds very nice, but if you think about it, in a game like naruto where a person can only use 3 other ninjas + the main, teams that will actually be good limited to a small pool. I agree it's a bit tiring to see so many of the same teams, and that's why I enjoyed the mid-game the most where not everyone had the ninjas to make a complete meta team and had to test out ideas using the rare ninjas they pulled and other substitutes. I run the Kushi blitz, but it's not like I haven't tested out other teams. I have jonin minato, roshi, a few rares here and there from treasures, but testing them out in actuality, they don't seem to have the same effect that Kushi has. The bond mystery might give minato a push to the frontline, but by how expensive it is right now, I still need to piece the materials slowly. meta teams are there cuz they are top tier, and there isn't any way around it. And since this game is limited resourced, no one wants to waste their scrolls, money, coupons, and they will go for the teams that have stabilized themselves as the best.

    My Mains Teams From My Journey in Naruto:

    -SB, Hinata, Sasuke, Kabuto

    -MB, Kimi, Sasuke, Kabuto

    -MB, Kimi, Iruka, Sasuke

    -MB, Danzo, Iruka, Kimi

    -AF, Mei, GNW 1010, Mabui

    -Chojuro, Mei, Ao, AF

    -Chojuro, Mei, Mangetsu, AF

    -Kushi, Jinpachi, Mangetsu, LM

    -Kushi, Jinpachi, Onoki, LM

    -Kushi, Jinpachi, Edo Sasori, LM

    My tested teams prob go at least twice if not 3 times as long as that; it's just to a certain point, one team will have the best results and until you get something extremely good, nothing will change.

you don't have to create something that nobody uses... That's pretty much impossible at this point in time cause most of us don't have many options as you said... But still there are many many great ninja that aren't used atm... OP ones, and with the right combination it can work wonders... Right now i'm carrying some group members in bonds with a team i made myself xD they give the supp i need, u can't win anything by yourself (unless you have edo hiruzen maybe lol)but yea sure u gotta have op ninja at your disposal though... Now we got that tsunade breakthrough and i think the possibilities will be endless, she can fit in a lot of teams

Personally the kushi team, i've tried it too and i hated it, maybe i used it wrong or something but personally for me, didn't work very well xD

This post was last edited by Kaz S590 on 2018-07-21 06:34:27.
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On 2018-07-21 06:53:07Show All Posts
  • vsai12 On 2018-07-21 06:48:25
  • lol maybe u didn't stack enough xD; my kushi has like 35% on my team's power, but becuz i stack so hard, i find running water main teams tough, since it requires water main to survive

i don't use water main either... I mostly use lightning and breeze... Everyone is immune nowadays so no point in using water main anymore in my opinion... Ya i don't put all the power on a single char so maybe that's why the team didn't work for me, i like to build the other chars properly too

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On 2018-07-21 15:53:37Show All Posts
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i'm not against you copying off others, everyone is free to do what they want, but believe me, you can only endure so far to always having to copy someone else... And who ends up paying for that after people get bored? The servers do, that is a big reason why more than half of the servers are running out of players. They get so used to going on youtube and just grab the popular lineup of the month, most of them you don't even require a strategy to use, and people get fed up with it cause it becomes very repetitive. But i shouldn't bother that much right? It's actually good that ppl are leaving, gives me the chance of getting my precious golden orbs on events :D

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On 2018-07-21 15:57:22Show All Posts
  • IkezeAkamaru On 2018-07-21 13:21:20
  • ninjas are limited.. people plan to make the best they can.. not all people can spend money to pull everything in the seal treasure.. and if the team is strong.. then why didn't use that.. it's up to people what they want to use.. if you c*e edo sasori in kushimaru lineup, why the hell you wanna use other ninja that can make the team weaker.. that's the point.. understand what the meaning of meta before you wanna talk about strategy lol.. the one that made the LINEUP you see in youtube videos came from thinking aka "strategy"..

it's a strategy from another guy lol this is a strategy game, which means YOU gotta make your own strategy, that's the intention of a strategy game. Most ppl probably don't realize this, cause they only see like 10 popular chars in front of them, but there's like 160 ninja or something in the game. Yes there are some only for collection and anothers that aren't very powerful, but there are a lot of ninja in the game that are actually good and worth using! And most ppl just see a tiny portion of those ninja, and obviously always having to work with the same 3 ninja becomes tiresome

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On 2018-07-21 16:04:10Show All Posts
  • Brandenlol On 2018-07-21 07:37:37
  • I think the main reason people rely on China/Germany for teams is because they had these ninjas longer th* and have already run teams through the ringer until they find the better teams that end up becoming meta. That's why China has more variety. They are the first to get new ninjas so they actually have to do the work in figuring out what teams work and what teams don't. By the time we get new ninjas, China has already put that ninja through most teams that you can think of. I try to make teams off of what I myself think will work good, but it's hard to ignore good teams that you see in versions months to years ahead of us using while I'm watching space-time videos for entertainment purposes.

that's very true... But our way of playing around here, by doing those things, actually contradicts one of the purposes of the game, which is to build your lineup... But yes if people see a great lineup in front of them they will take that lineup but i think they should at least attempt to make it better, actually find out what makes it work, put some work on it, there's always a chance of improvement that the chinese players might have missed... And by doing that you are actually learning more and more about how this game works, cause i'll bet most people are using lineups blindly and they don't even know their char's passives cause they didn't bother to read them

This post was last edited by Kaz S590 on 2018-07-21 16:14:05.
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On 2018-07-21 16:40:50Show All Posts
  • Tiami On 2018-07-21 16:33:38
  • I will add a bit from myself~ Many people here are totally right and both sides of discussion too- people want to have as effective team as possible and if there's model of a team that is just great- they will aim for it and use it- because why make game harder? If someone already find out, tested and rock with certain lineup- then it's fine to copy.

    And there are people who can't follow meta so fast, with lack of luck/resources and will just try to build what's best from what they have- or certain counter for the most meta teams/ninjas.

    There are also those who just wanna play their fav ninjas or have fun with new teams so they will build new, creative teams and won't look at W/L ratio SO MUCH, because they have different targets in this game. Or simply refuse to play meta.

    And you can't force any of them to change how they see this game and their way of playing- so just let everyone have fun their way. And as long as it happens to be annoying to see all the same lineups whole time- if something is a common problem then best is to build common counter for it.

    As for me- I'm low spender without much lack for event ninjas and I'm always trying to build and play some new, more creative teams- as for now I'm mostly proud of my arena champ team: Han, Mei, Yagura with fire main- another season and going strong with 6 paths, gained within 2 hours of playing ranked. Han is awesome against all the Midnighty-chans and Yagura is life saver for when I don't get my barrier. And that team was created with main reason to break OP, at some time, team of 1010/Mei/Mabui and it did works just perfect.

    And last thing- this game could be 100% creative when it comes to strategies and lineups only if all the ninjas had same good stats and skills- totally balanced to the point when you could drop a team with Choji and he would own Shark/Angel team. In short words- not really possible.

i never said i was forcing ppl to change their way of playing... I even said so many times on the post that i wasn't trying to stop people from using it or say it's wrong... My point is that we're going against one of the main purposes of the game by doing it. You are allowed to do anything you want when it comes to your teams, you have that freedom, i'm not trying to take that away from you lol i'm just telling you that you are missing a big part of the game by doing it and that ends up usually on people giving up early and the servers end up paying for that.

That's it lol i've said countless times i'm not against you doing it or that i'm telling you to stop doing it, just telling you what happens most of the times after you do that.

btw the shark angel team is kinda overrated xD i can beat it easily personally, but again you need to make your strategy to do so

This post was last edited by Kaz S590 on 2018-07-21 16:43:21.
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On 2018-07-22 01:24:33Show All Posts
  • Garv On 2018-07-21 20:20:37
  • nope, on bonds it's enough 1 hokage minato or 1 han+kisame samehada and they are very easy to face on par power.

han would only work if you have more ini than the guy... And the chances of you having more ini than a guy who spent 600$ on a single ninja are very slim as you can imagine

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On 2018-07-22 01:28:15Show All Posts
  • Garv On 2018-07-21 20:42:55
  • it's up to you if following them or not, is not said at all that chinese options are the best in our gameplay because our high tier ninja availability is way different than in china (look at how many people owns hokage minato, shisui and kushina habanero in comparison with the average chinese player!). And some options we have make some ninjas that in china are op not so op here because or we miss some feature or we have them implemented before others.

    Oasis is planning the distribution of the ninjas and of the features exactly to avoid that chinese metas are metas here too for the vast majority of the playerbase, so yes, is better if you think with your head.

i'm glad they are doing something about it... If the game is too similar to the CN version we'll always be following what they are doing all the time. Of course it's up to us if we follow or not, everyone is free of doing what they want with their account but i'm just saying, people who usually play like that get tired of the game very quickly, then they leave and the servers die... Ofc there are other factors that help kill the servers but that's a big factor...

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On 2018-07-22 04:18:59Show All Posts
  • ItachiU On 2018-07-22 03:38:32
  • Its easy for p2w to make some fun teams and play game when they have all ninjas and power, what should i do? i was lucky with shisui and now i should stop using him and ofc i have to use clasic light main team bcs i dont have any good ninja to pair it (angel konan, madara, kurama, kushina or any other ninja on that rage)with him,when i c*e really strong lineup(masked, shisui, itachi) and im using it like 4-5 months maybe even more. :P

it's easy but most of them don't do it... You don't have to stop using shisui, he can fit in hundreds of different and effective teams

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