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[ Events ] Clarification about the "Release Schedule"


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-11 04:47:45Show All PostsDescending Order
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So in my lurking in the forums and seeing the things Daiske has said about how things work in our version I've noticed things that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me and I'd like to clarify

We are on an "independent release schedule" for updates (this i understand) which means we are independent from all other versions of the game. The place where things get hazy is that in previous posts he has said that we haven't gotten updates from 3.0 like red runes in eight gates because of technical issues so it got pushed back and cant just be released when it got fixed because we have a schedule that dictates when things will be released and they cannot change that.

Then in the very last post in the current weeks event before he closed it said and I quote "Like any other company, we do not share our plans or schedules for future updates for very simple reason - while it is true we have set schedule, this schedule can still be considered as flexible schedule because changes to it can be made anytime."

So do we have a set schedule that cannot be changed, or do we have a flexible schedule that can change at anytime? And if the answer is the schedule can change at anytime what is the motivation behind holding back these features from previous versions?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-17 05:37:09Show All Posts


I'm still confused about the redeemable red runes in 8 gates. Daiske said that there was a "serious technical issue" with it that caused them to postpone the feature indefinitely but Tobei is saying its unavailable as the developer's choice.

Quicky Post

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