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[ Events ] Clarification about the "Release Schedule"


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-13 14:33:48Show All Posts

I have mentioned it few times. Missing content from version 3.0 was pushed back/cancelled due to serious technical problems that needed required amount of time to create fix, then testing and it could delay version 4.0 for months. We (publishers and developers) have chosen the lesser evil. Now, since it had to be delayed with no ETA or set date because at that point no one knew WHEN and IF missing features will be added. With that being said, all missing features and content from version 3.0 are delayed until further notice. You might ask "Wait, does that mean we might not get them at all?" Absolutely, its an option (not final decision). Company reserves right to change in-game content. Right now it is up to developers to decide if missing content from version 3.0 should be added or not and if yes when. And I know, you might say "But you have promised us to add such features. We demand it right now and right here." It was listed as one of the features that were supposed to be added during version 3.0. However, nothing is promised and we always ask you to strictly focus only on our version. In very very rare occasions, content might be different from other versions and especially mother version due to version differences. CN works on very different system th*.

As for Ultimate Training and update to it - I don't recall it being promised or even mentioned somewhere. We are aware you would like to see new levels to Ultimate Training but at the moment there is no plan to update Ultimate training. We are currently focusing on other features and updates we would like to deliver to you.

Just because I do not reply to some comments or threads does not mean no one reads them. Other moderators always inform me and rest of the team if there is something really special or something they see you mention a lot. Plus, everything I see and I find reasonable and normal I always note and discuss with the rest of the team. What you need to understand is that changes and updates are not made overnight and it takes time. *, yea I know but there is nothing I can do about it. I see a lot of comments discussing what is the relationship between Oasis and Tencent. Honestly? That is something you guys really should not worry about. Sometimes you would like to talk about things that we can't talk about with you due to it being confidential information or simply not public information. I do not think it is necessary for you to know all inside information to be able to enjoy the game. It is probably that you are interested in it. So I am not going to comment or answer comments regarding Oasis and its relationship with Tencent.

Regarding update schedule:

Why we do not share it with you? For very simple reason - because we do not want to. First of all, it would ruin the surprise factor for you if you knew what is coming and when it is coming. Next reason could be that it is considered as confidential information and I really do not know any company that shares its schedule with its community. If there is such company, props to them.

If we were to share such thing with you, it is a huge risk we just don't want to take. There is a lot of changes and updates to our schedules that can happen anytime. So just imagine we release schedule that says version 5.0 will be released this year during September. BUT, 1 week before release of version 5.0, during last and final testing we discover serious bug that should not and will not be implemented to live servers. And what does it mean? Version 5.0 is going to be delayed. There would be a lot of negative and angry comments and discussions about it. Or for example we would make change to our schedule and you would would require us to explain the change or you will not like the change. There is a lot of factors, a lot of negative factors that will cause more problems than good if we were to do such thing. Take missing features from version 3.0 and real and live example and that is something we do not want to happen again.

Hope this clears all of the confusion.

This post was last edited by Daiske on 2018-07-13 18:01:50.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-16 07:31:56Show All Posts

My response to Oasis Games = Tencent Games stays same. I am sorry.

selyl - Players are being too harsh and biased with Fuku deal. After that special one we had quiet some time ago, players expect it every single time and if it is not like that, it is automatically bad. Previous Fuku event with EDO Deidara was a special Fuku event that MIGHT but also MIGHT NOT happen from time to time. We are aware that players liked it and if there will be a chance to bring such offer again in the future, we will do so.

Do I care? 2 - I do not think it is fair to say we overprice items or ninjas. Price changes according to in what event item or ninja can be redeemed. Same can be said about whole event cycle. If there are multiple spending rebates, it is normal you might spend a little bit more than last time BUT you get a lot of items in return. Everything has some value. I do agree with you that it is all about planning and how players handle their resources. I do not think it is a best example to compare mobile game with browser game. I do not play FGO but I really doubt they release their whole schedule with all details. They might announce that some new changes, features or characters are coming in next few weeks. We sadly can't do that. I don't understand your last question regarding time of feature development and change implementation. I do remember the Dosu thread. But the thing is - it was not first thread. When author posted it for a very first time, we have informed him that his suggestion will be passed to rest of the team. And that's it. We do not inform players what is current status of their suggestion or if their suggestion was rejected or not. Simply put, if team is even considering such change or implementation, from that point it is internal information and public will not be informed about it (unless it is confirmed and it's near its release date). There is nothing new I could tell you or anyone else about Dosu case. There are other things, more important things, that team should focus on right now. I know there are players who really really really love Dosu and that is completely fine. But in general, Dosu is not one of the most liked or wanted ninjas from the series. So if he will be added to the game, he will be most likely a side character. Side characters do not receive that much attention. I actually wanted to reply to his thread but I was busy and I had to take care of other things at that time and then I forgot about it.

Fiyuri - Everything you suggest or request (of course if it is reasonable request) is discussed with rest of the team, that also includes developers. We are not the only version of the game so the process of processing information is a bit longer and sometimes it must be put aside if there are plans to release bigger updates or new big updates/features/ninjas are in development. You as players are able to make changes (to features, ninjas etc .. you might suggest changes but it does not mean it will be implemented). In the past we did polls but it was a failure and we learned our lesson. We promised something and we were not able to keep our promise. So no more polls in near future. Team is working on many features and updates. Mentioning them will make our community believe that it is close to its release date but reality is different (you might not see it for months). That's why we try to avoid such situations.

Scarlettblue - There are indeed features that are only for players that buy ingots. But it is like that for a reason. It helps the game to survive and develop. Free to play players have the chance to obtain items from such features as well. But it will take them some time.

This post was last edited by Daiske on 2018-07-16 07:36:37.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-16 08:05:00Show All Posts

All I am going to say is that this week we will celebrate our second anniversary, dattebayo~

Stay tuned!~~

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-18 11:05:11Show All Posts

Garv - Features like Battle Armor were never supposed to be focused on F2P. Indeed, this feature is strongly focused on paying customers. But F2P players have chance to take advantage and participate in this feature as well. They can buy or receive items for this feature from shops or SA. It will take them a lot of time, indeed, but it is not completely out of their league. We don't feel there is any reason or need to change or update this specific feature. There is no explanation I could or should give you. It is up to you and your decision if you invest this feature or not. It is your choice.

Shadoblaze - I've explained in my previous comment our polls from past and also what we were able to learn from that experience. We promised something and we were not able to keep our promise. Due to this reason, we don't plan on releasing or re-introducing polls. We strongly believe that feedback we receive from you every week helps us and gives us an idea what you would like to see next week or in near future. But of course, not everything you suggest or request can be fulfilled.

Poring - You will find out later today.

Empheezie - What Tobei said is absolutely correct. If our moderators are not sure about something or they are not informed yet about specific things, they usually come to me or someone else from the team. Missing features from 3.0 were delayed/cancelled due to serious technical issue we had to take care of. It took some time but game had to move on. Few months passed (including testing) and the decision was not still made. We were not able to come to a conclusion so all missing features from 3.0 are cancelled until developers decide to add them to the game. Will we add them? Are they cancelled forever? There is no straight answer I could give you to those questions. All I can say - everything is possible. But what I can tell you is that there is no plan to add them at the moment and we are currently planning to move to new version of the game.

Serenade - Actually, yes we can. We reserve the right to change our plans or release schedule. (that is also one of the reasons why we don't share our plans and schedule with you). We have informed our community why missing features from 3.0 are still not here. Our plan was to release them but we were not able to serious technical problems we had at that time. It took quiet some time and game had to move on. We updated version of the game, we added new features. For this reason, missing features from that version were cancelled and it is now up to developers to decide if and when they will be added.

But it does not change the fact that we (publishers and developers) can decide anytime if and what will change. We manage the game.

Regarding your private message. I am really sorry if you feel ignored, that is not the case. I am not replying to private messages I get from players. Reason is very simple - I do not have time for that. I get a lot of messages daily and most of them (from what I was able to see) are questions about updates or new events. Answers to other questions can be found here on forum. If you still feel the need to communicate with someone, you are more than welcome to contact one of the moderators. They are aware I am not replying to messages and they will assist you for sure. If I were to reply to all messages I get I wouldn't be able to take care of other things.

I have seen few comments that claim we are lying to you or you not trusting us. I am really sorry to hear that. But if that is the case, I don't find this thread or any future threads helpful since you will not believe us and in the end it will cause only more trouble. I believe that if you will trust us little bit more, it will create more space for us to be transparent with you. After all, we are here for you and you are here for us. You are the reason why this game exists.

Quicky Post

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