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[ Fanfiction ] Clothing release celebration


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On 2018-07-05 04:25:37Show All Posts

Today was the day, the competition for the world gymnastic event. My friends were busy with their own sports to be able to come to this event to see me compete.

“Azure!” I turned around and then I was splashed with a drink. “Hope you don’t trip!” it was a competitor from the hidden sand team. I sighed as I went to the change rooms so I could get into my clothes.

The word water was on my right sleeve on the top part of my leotard. Once I was ready I headed out to the event area. Our team the hidden leaf, was coached by Iruka Umino.

“It’s your turn after Sakura” iruka said to me and I nodded. After I sat beside Tenten, worry started to eat at me.

I fell into my thoughts but was dragged away from them when I felt Tenten poking my face.

“Azure, you’re up for vault!” she stopped poking me when I turned my head to her. “Oh, yeah”

Once my feet hit the runway, I took a breath, looked over to Iruka-sensei. He nodded to me and I turned to look at the vault and went into a run.

As i pushed my body to go into a handspring and then into a front somersault. Once my body went through the rotation, I got ready to land, but my body slipped and fell onto my hip.

A gasp fell over the crowd, and a barking laugh echoed from the sides. It was the hidden sand competitor from earlier who spilt their drink on me. I haven’t failed at the vault since I was a kid!

Tears pricked at my eyes as I got up and walked off. Iruka put his hand on my shoulder. “You did great Azure! Sure you didn’t * the landing but you got through the full rotation” nodding to Iruka, so he knew I acknowledging his words.

After Floor exercise event

Tears dripped down my face, I finally answered my cellphone. “Azure, you did great today!” my mother’s cheerful voice said once I answered the phone.

“Thanks mom. I just didn’t do that great. I think it’s the nerves today. One of the other competitors spilt their drink on me earlier and told me not to trip” I sobbed out. “Don’t listen to them! Tomorrow you’ll do great out there on the uneven bars and balance beam!” she cheered out.

“Ok. Has any of my friends called you? They haven’t texted or called me at all today” I asked her. My hand started to nervously pull at the edge of my shirt.

“No, they haven’t” a sigh slipped past my lips. “Yeah. Bye mom” once my mother said goodbye I put my cellphone into my pocket and left to go to the hotel.

Next day

“Hurry up Tenten!” I yelled, she was taking forever in the shower. “I’m back! Look what I got!” Sakura cheered when she entered the hotel room. Sakura brought back some bagels from a nearby coffee shop. A smirk crossed over my face. “I’ll eat your bagel Tenten if you don’t get out of the shower in three minutes!” The words cheered out of my mouth as I went and grabbed the bagel to eat it.

Within a minute the shower was turned off and Tenten rushed out of the bathroom to grab a bagel. I and Sakura shared a look. At least we can get to the event area quickly today.

Later on

Since the uneven bars went by, we went out for lunch before the balance beam event. I fell when on the bars. It seems like bad luck was striking me again today.

“You’ll do great on the beam Azure! I’m sure of it!” Sakura smiled and I smiled back.

“I hope so. If I don’t, then I’m sure I won’t make it to the Qualifiers for the Olympic team next year” I groaned out and let my head fall onto the table. My dream is going to be shattered!

When our food arrived at our table, we cheered. I ordered Takoyaki. The flavors where great. The octopus was so good. “When we get back home, we should have a party to celebrate at the gym!” Tenten proposed and we all got into an agreement.

When Sakura finished her soba, she looked at me. “why aren’t your friends here to watch you Azure?” she asked me. “They were busy. So they couldn’t make it” I answered Sakura and she nodded. It was almost time to get back to the event area.

Balance beam event

The crowd cheered when Sakura landed onto the mat and finished her routine on the beam. It was my turn. Getting up from my seat I walked over to the beam.

My dream. To go to the Olympics are going to be shattered. My dad had told me when I was younger that it was silly to think of a big dream like that could be possible. My mother supported me all the way so I could get to this point.

I wish my friends were here. I could wish for so many things right now, but I can only try right now.

“Azure! Do your best!” “Win this Azure!” my head sharply turned so fast that I thought I was going to be dealing with whiplash. My friends were here!

I waved to them as I smiled. Midnight, Crimson, Scarlet and Breeze. As I started to do my routine, they cheered for me to do my best. As I went into a handstand, I felt my tears start to drip down my face. My balance went off and I fell when I tried to lift my one arm off the beam.

“You can do it Azure! Get back up!” Breeze yelled at me from the stands. I forced my body to get up and I went back on the beam to finish the routine with a backflip off the beam to land. The crowd cheered and I ran off to go to meet with my friends.

"You did awesome Azure!” Scarlet and I fist bumped and breeze hugged me. As we chatted, I finally wanted to ask them all something.

“I though you all were busy and couldn’t make it to watch!” I asked them as I stared.

“We saw that you weren’t doing so great yesterday, so we all got on the train to come here to cheer you on today!” Crimson spoke and I finally nodded. “Since we got here in time to cheer you on, you’ll have to make sure to go to our events to cheer us on.” Midnight smiled at me and I nodded. “Of course! Thanks guys!”

Quicky Post

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