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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-06-15 21:43:17Show All Posts
  • Oujingbing On 2018-06-15 21:14:29
  • Save seal scrolls for kurama six sage path rebate :). I started collecting scrolls for him now. It is still far away from us , at least a year later you can get 1000scrolls. You can get madara or naruto kurama from drawing to gnw plus naruto six sage path rebate.

nah, takes way less than 1 year to gather 1000 scrolls. after a certain point you are easy able to gather 120-150 scrolls per month (depending on how good you do in gnw and x-server activities).

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-06-16 21:22:24Show All Posts
  • nutshasa@gmail. On 2018-06-16 00:10:07
  • been playing for 8 months as a f2p 120-150 seal scrolls a month seems more like a stretch... the more realistic number is 40- 60 seals per month and that is if i always get legendary packs i also get seal scrolls everytime i can in monthly events.. how do you save 120-150 seals a month?

Lets do the calculation for 1 month.

8 come from monthly event.

10-15 come from matsuri (getting a very minimum of 4 wins with almost always 5 wins is not that hard after a certain BP point).

10-15 come from survival/sealed (if you do not get at least 2-3 per week from sealed or survival trial something is off).

10 come from weekend activity (the weekend activity usually grant 1-3 seal scrolls in average per week).

3-4 come from swb and jinchuriki rescue (even if you are not able to be top3 around 30% of the times you are in the winning side in swb + 4 fragments per week from jinchuriki rescue).

2-4 come from ninja fragment refinement (you gather around 300 points per day there even if you do not actually go fully for it. Are 9k a month that means 2-6 seals from iruka refinement).

6 come from arena.

Just from those things we get 50-60.

Add 30-50 from gnw and you are at the 80-100 tier.

Beware that this is without considering ninja test (once in a while gives 1 seal scroll as result), treasure hunt (5 seal fragments are common), space time and the whole weekly events that usually in a month grant another 10-15 seals.

If you consider them in + the seals you get from the rebate every time you reach 184-200 or 264-300 scrolls gathered and you got the 120-150 tier i talked about.

EDIT: i drew last time in gnw treasure on the 28th of may.


so i'm at 89 seals. 20 of them are from the rebate (just hit the 200 mark and i owned only 184, couldn't wait to draw in it because i was close to super rare).

So i gained 69 in 19 days. It's an average of 110 for this month without considering the rebate and the fact last 3 weeks i got only elite packs in gnw because i'm a too kind leader. Add both of them in and you got that what i gained is in line with the 120-150 tier i talked about.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-06-16 21:53:39.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-06-18 22:03:31Show All Posts
  • nutshasa@gmail. On 2018-06-17 00:10:44
  • Thanks a lot man! this is exactly what i really needed. rng stuff shouldnt be included in average cause its RNG! though that explains some say its between 60- 150 per month. im getting 50+ every month (including gnw packs) pretty decent though low. and as of right now even if im a level freezer seals from sage is kinda rng for me cause lots of whales run on my bracket.

yes but that thing is the very very minimum... and doesnt' even take in account the weekly events (for example, if you go in lucky stars, lucky board or great plates is impossible you do not get any seals lol).

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-06-18 22:03:46.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-06-18 22:04:52Show All Posts
  • UzumakiHikari On 2018-06-16 23:07:14
  • so all in all that 120-150 still is a stretch but is attainable if you are really lucky like those treasure hunt and other rng features. so if i get 60+ per month ill be one happy player

in the meanwhile, 2 days after, the situation is this one:


got 1 legendary pack from gnw, 8 seals from the 15k ninja refinement option + a bunch of others from the various activities. Obviously, right now, i went from being on the lower-than-the-average-per-month situation to being on the higher-than-the-average-per-month situation (since right now the perspective would be 158 for this month, but in the end will be around 135-140).

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-06-18 22:06:19.
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