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[ News ] Server Merge Request - Week June 4th


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  • Registered: 2017-10-26
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On 2018-06-06 08:38:43Show All Posts

New Server Merge request.

1. Server ID: S40: Kidomaru

2. Server Region: NY

3. Server Age: Estimated 2.5 years (closer to three years)

4. Time taken to kill World Boss: Approximately 10-17 minutes depending on who shows.

5. World Boss HP on Tuesday : Approximately 280M

6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2 (Note average attendance from both groups each is about 12-17 people)

7. Average Power Rank:

Top 5: 172081

Top 10: 151171

Top 20: 129380

Screenshot of the Power, Group Power

Group GNW Ranking, Group GNW

Group Power Ranking: Group Power

Group Activity Rate: Group Activity

World Boss Ranking: 9 tails tuesday 69 tails tuesday 6

Server ID and Date + Time (Included on Screenshots)

  • Registered: 2017-10-26
  • Topics: 4
  • Posts: 15
On 2018-06-06 09:28:37Show All Posts

New Server Merge request.

1. Server ID: S40: Kidomaru

2. Server Region: NY

3. Server Age: Estimated 2.5 years (closer to three years)

4. Time taken to kill World Boss: Approximately 10-15 minutes depending on who shows.

5. World Boss HP on Tuesday : Approximately 240M

6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2 (Note average attendance from both groups each is about 12-17 people)

7. Average Power Rank:

Top 5: 172081

Top 10: 151171

Top 20: 129380

Screenshot of the Power, Group Power

Group GNW Ranking, Group GNW

Group Power Ranking: Group Power

Group Activity Rate: Group Activity

World Boss Ranking: 9 tails tuesday 69 tails tuesday 6

Server ID and Date + Time (Included on Screenshots)

  • Registered: 2017-10-26
  • Topics: 4
  • Posts: 15
On 2018-06-07 07:42:59Show All Posts
  • BlackDragon620 On 2018-06-06 08:38:43
  • New Server Merge request.

    1. Server ID: S40: Kidomaru

    2. Server Region: NY

    3. Server Age: Estimated 2.5 years (closer to three years)

    4. Time taken to kill World Boss: Approximately 10-17 minutes depending on who shows.

    5. World Boss HP on Tuesday : Approximately 280M

    6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2 (Note average attendance from both groups each is about 12-17 people)

    7. Average Power Rank:

    Top 5: 172081

    Top 10: 151171

    Top 20: 129380

    Screenshot of the Power, Group Power

    Group GNW Ranking, Group GNW

    Group Power Ranking: Group Power

    Group Activity Rate: Group Activity

    World Boss Ranking: 9 tails tuesday 69 tails tuesday 6

    Server ID and Date + Time (Included on Screenshots)

FYI, this is what our GNW almost always looks like...NarutoOnline180606194011

  • Registered: 2017-10-26
  • Topics: 4
  • Posts: 15
On 2018-06-10 00:55:17Show All Posts

We’re now, more than ever, taking into account server merging requests to proceed with future server merging. We ask that you all be patient and we would like to once more thank you all for your support!

Server Merging will be done in accordance to the number of players online and power level as selection factors.We have in our interest that every player enjoys the best gaming experience and social environment possible.


  • Registered: 2017-10-26
  • Topics: 4
  • Posts: 15
On 2018-06-11 01:56:43Show All Posts
  • Nemini On 2018-06-10 04:58:48
  • 1.Server ID: S95 (91,97)

    2. Server Region: NY

    3. Server Age: Year and 10 months++

    4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 10-12 minutes

    5. World Boss HP on Tuesday : 220M

    6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 3 (2 biweekly, because of cross-gnw)

    7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : AVG Top 5 : 165K, AVG top 10 : 145K, AVG Top 20 : 125k

S40 would like to merge with this server.

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