Views: 11324 | Replies: 37
[ Suggestions ] Nerf healer teams and all supports


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  • Registered: 2017-12-01
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On 2018-06-06 18:43:25Show All Posts

This topic is rather sad. There are plenty of ways to counter these Heal/Tank teams. But instead of thinking of a solution, people rather complain about them.

Ever thought of waiting, until the water main has used her autoattack to then cc her (just as an example)? Cause then she is CC'd in the next round as well.

Instead of instantly using all the jutsus available, people need to start learning, when to use Jutsus and whom to focus.

Right now there are a lot of decent teams out there and there is no team that can't be countered. And those teams c*so be build with out emptying your wallet.

Be creative and experiment!

Quicky Post

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