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[ Suggestions ] Nerf healer teams and all supports


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On 2018-06-05 20:41:02Show All Posts
  • xxMihai On 2018-06-05 17:07:10
  • Nah, it's the tryhards with 3 supports that delay the battle making it 7-8 rounds and winning because of poisons, healing any damage you make unless you 1 shot one of their healers that shouldn't be allowed to do that. Stuff like that isn't to be encouraged. It's boring, repetitive and annoying, and they themselves know that.

Welcome to Naruto online, honestly you gonna see alot of that in the next couple years(provide this game survives), i always said, if your team can survive a blitz, you win it's over, poison tai is the best talent atm to deal with high powered players(yes even if you use 3 supports).

Now you can bypass this by use a ignite team, a control team, or just pumping stuff up like best items in your strongest ninja, and pray for a crits.

I lost to cancer teams and meta teams, the flavor of the month teams as i call, such as edo deidara and jinpachi combo i usually lose, then again i dont ask for a nerf cuz it doesnt need one.

Quicky Post

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