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[ Events ] Sunflower Covenant Forum Event


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-31 19:19:53Show All Posts
  • Your Momm On 2018-05-30 17:31:26
  • Screenshot_87

    Why do u even have rules then?

    Cant u just * it up and pay for your mistake?

i agreed with u after we spend a lot money cuz was your fault and mistake cuz never say in the info from the event was Cross server, why not add Edo tobirama free, at the end was all your fault, cuz u never add the info in the event saying was cross server so 1k cps all this is a scam the only reason i didn't call my bank and ask for a refund is cuz im waiting to see what happened but looking all this scam i may be calling to my bank also after spend 400 bucks i didn't have kisame neither Kakuzu lol RNG is really bad with this old ninjas lol Rip i be posting my info later

This post was last edited by DisGamer on 2018-05-31 19:22:12.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-31 20:11:29Show All Posts
  • McDonald's On 2018-05-30 17:50:30
  • Nicely done by OASIS. Now instead of a refund, they made it like a contest on who can get 1k coupons. Nicely done. What a clever idea. I don't have words for you people. Also to those P2w people that spent on this event, what would you do now? I bet you guys will make a bluff like ARGHHH I will not recharge again because of this treatment then 3 days later you guys will recharge 20k like the naruto online youtuber? I saw him commented that he knew how the players felt who spent on this event then did a 20k recharge afterward. Nothing will change because you p2w people are only good at bluffing. OASIS knows this that's why they keep on giving you this treatment. It's not in OASIS hands now but it's in your hands instead. Will you take a stand by not giving them money? Or you guys will still recharge and make a BLUFF and let it slide? 100% it will be the 2nd option. I bet those p2w who posted that they will take a stand will surely recharge tomorrow.

    Last and not the least do you guys know that true intention of this forum event? They haven't posted the rankings yet so my guess is they will use this contest to get the forum rankings from you guys. This is only my wild guess.

you all right im with u 100% im one of the affected from the event and im with just 100% like i said people after being SCAM!!! keep spending like nothing thats why overtime they make a SCAM like this is ok cuz the people keep spending instead of complaint if this was in USA i would be sue them for this kind of scam they did, but i can't do nothing just call my bank and make a complete refund from all the time i spend in this game cuz after i was saving 500 bucks for a long time and with out not spending just to found a good event to spend it i get scam lol

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-06-04 06:31:29Show All Posts


server ID: 103: yoroi NY

character name Toki


This post was last edited by DisGamer on 2018-06-04 06:32:30.
Quicky Post

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