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[ Events ] Convo with Daiske part 2.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-28 06:21:37Show All Posts


Do not worry, it will not get deleted. Instead of that, I will reply with the rest of our conversation because clearly you are trying to create a fight or drama for no reason.


You are claiming we are trying to deny that there is any problem with flower event. Unfortunately, there is one. We as team can't decide if we will send compensation to players or what it should be because during weekends we are not working. Weekends are off for whole team. And since this case is a bit more complicated, only developers can decided how exactly will be this problem handled. We will have a conversation with them later today. There was no miscommunication between us and our team. This event was supposed to be cross-server from the start and it is cross-server. This information is not mentioned in event rules - we will update event rules so next time this event comes back, it will be clear to everyone. We apologize for this problem, it's on us.

EDIT: Small advice, it is not nice to share someone's if both sides do not agree.

This post was last edited by Daiske on 2018-05-28 06:25:44.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-28 06:49:05Show All Posts

I am pretty sure you said you are no longer interested in having another discussion with me but sure, no problem.

Coding on test server and on live server is a bit different. Also, test server contains more things than live servers do. Even after testing there is always a possibility that bugs slip through.

Actions were taken right after we’ve received first reports about ranking not working. Of course we had to confirm it first. I have mentioned this in our conversation already tho.

As for the mistake in my mesaage - it happens to me a lot lately. I keep thinking about what I am typing, I think I did type it but reality is different. I apologize once again.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-28 07:10:33Show All Posts
  • RNJesus1 On 2018-05-28 07:00:22
  • Probably should have put a /s at the end of my message.

    If you guys needed to confirm the display bug, could you guys have made an announcement that you were looking into this event and inform the players not to spend? A little heads up would be nice because there are quite a few players from other forum posts that spent in this event and are not happy.

    I'm pretty mean in front of a keyboard (as are all internet warriors) but what I'm asking for and I know a lot of the player base is as well is communication and transparency. If you think there's a bug on the live server, tell us. Otherwise, what's going to happen in the future if something similar happens again? I don't think it's fair for some players to spend and then 3 days later be notified that the there is a bug within the event and is providing misleading information (the rankings).

    Can you let us know going forward, what are the rules we should follow? The forum posts or the game itself?

We've received reports regarding flower event 2/3 days (depending on your time zone) after new (current) event cycle. We took actions right away.

This post was last edited by Daiske on 2018-05-28 07:10:52.
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