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[ Lineup ] Tsunade [Sannin Era] Lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-26 19:30:47Show All Posts

I thought HOKAGE tsunade was not worth picking up cause of her very low ninjutsu scaling trait??? Can anyone here maybe with both of these tsunades show what hey'd be at max level or near max level on their scaling growth of ninjutsu, and supposedly ninjutsu doesnt influence her heal? These are things I picked up from a previous post and it made me pretty sad since I DID want to buy her at one point but I don't have her so I can't really compare nor actually see what to really judge it on, I do know she shines good in IMMORTAL teams but I am unsure how much immortal teams can deal with depending on the fact I like to have paralysis in my teams and immortal team doesnt really have paralysis. Cause you need her , sailor saku, and water main so the last slot needs to have like Bee with Yo in it to make it "immortal" Although personally I'd replace it with Kushina red hot for the safety.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-06-22 07:07:40Show All Posts
  • Shryke On 2018-05-29 18:14:34
  • She has low nin scaling, due to her innate 45% increase healing. Take 2-3 Tsunade HK in GNW and you have a 2-3x 3k heals + insane insane healing from leech.

    Also remember that her scalings, like most top tier ninjas, is really low, to compensate the high amount of stats high rank players have.

    These are the stats she would have in my pos 3 (so, not stacked at all):


Thank you, makes sense. Is Tsunade Sannin Era worth anything for her ninjutsu growth rate over fifth then? ; - ;

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