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[ PVP ] Edo Hiruzen


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  • Registered: 2017-07-29
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On 2018-04-24 22:09:09Show All PostsDescending Order
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Yeah, yeah. Hype is real. And I am on the hype train, but after thinking a bit. Is he that great? Like, ofc fully stacked pos 1, he does his full, combo. But how he stacks vs stacked ini Shark kisame(using mistery to cancel out)? Hminato with the res buff, to negate some dmg. All in all, what I am asking, at the same power level, Is he even that good? Or is he just a bit stronger GNW1010. Because i was thinking going for him, but now, imma a bit thorn, is it even worth, as he is just gona be fun to use vs lower power, for oneshot memes or really meta breaking.

  • Registered: 2017-07-29
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On 2018-04-24 23:22:20Show All Posts
  • R1nn On 2018-04-24 23:06:53
  • I also have the same doubt.. i saved up for getting him but im not sure at all

I know right. I think i will save up for Angel better.

  • Registered: 2017-07-29
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On 2018-04-24 23:56:06Show All Posts
  • HanselAndGretel On 2018-04-24 23:25:11
  • Do remember that Edo Hiruzen has lower mastery damage compared to other ninja like Hokage Minato, even with full buffed you cant burst down enemy(Equal power).He is like Kurama(Vs equal power = deal less dmg).

Oh nice info, yet kurama atleast has really good skill set. While Hiruzen is just 1010 2.0 imo.

Quicky Post

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