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[ Player Guide ] Counter Teams discussions


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-22 04:00:44Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey guys!

Let's discuss some common meta counter teams but firstly let me tell you what is a counter:

A counter team is a team that has a goal to be the best versus a certain team (attacking the weak sides of an enemy team).

By using pure counters you can easily win higher power enemies (however the problem is that you can't always know what your enemy will use of course)

Fuguki-Water main-Roshi-Sailor

To counter this team is quite simple actually, any kind of blitz team or 2x control team should be able to beat it without a problem


-Shisui/Masked Man teams, Minato/Masked Man teams

-Susano Itachi/Shisui (Masked Man)

-Lightning Main normal blitz, Madara blitz, Kushimaru blitz

Edo Deidara teams

One of best ways to counter Edo Deidara teams is by using Kushimaru (especially if he is slower pos1 than your enemy) since he will easily kill the spiders and feed himself extra attacks.

Other good ways is to use control teams since Edo Deidara is vulnarable to controls (although this method won't work if enemy is using Earth Main-Sailor Sakura-Jigokudo team since you would need 3-4 controls which is only achievable by specific teams such as Susano Itachi/Masked Man/Jonin Minato/Wind Main)

Hokage Minato teams

Honestly one of hardest ninjas to counter, especially if the enemy uses the Wind Main-Kurenai team.

A good option is to use immune teams or debuff clears so the enemy can't get a tag since that's where the main point of damage is for that team.

Other than that nuking the Minato would kill the team since it mainly focuses around that 1 ninja.

Putting Madara in front for Minato to hit him will also help absorb a lot of damage if you have Madara.

3rd Raikage Teams

Honestly this team is one of easiest ever to counter, if you just wait out until Earth Main does the extra standard attack mystery you can simply acupuncture Raikage thru LM mystery, Anbu kakashi or use Masked Man on him and he won't be able to use his mystery next round (would be ideal if you could control both Earth Main and Raikage though)

With them controlled you shouldn't have any problem winning vs that team.

Kushimaru teams

Masked Man is the obvious counter if you use him after Jinpachi clear and if he doesn't control fail.

Other than that be sure to not have any clones(food) when fighting versus Kushimaru, and to not have many ninjas lined up in a single row.

Madara is the super counter to Kushimaru though, if you simply put Madara alone in front of your enemy Kushimaru you are pretty guaranteed to win unless power difference over 30k.

For now that's all, feel free to ask a question or comment on what I missed out on saying in the thread, I might make a part 2 for some other teams if you guys find this helpful !

This post was last edited by ICExx on 2018-04-22 04:00:44.
  • Registered: 2017-12-18
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On 2018-04-22 04:42:09Show this Author Only

Hokage Minato hard to counter? 95% of Hokage Minato players, have no idea how to play xD. They just *click mystery and my job is done*.

The answer is - again - masked man :P. Or just have the initiative. Or run LM with Roots or dodge.

This post was last edited by Barrin on 2018-04-22 04:42:23.
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On 2018-04-22 06:19:45Show this Author Only
  • Barrin On 2018-04-22 04:42:09
  • Hokage Minato hard to counter? 95% of Hokage Minato players, have no idea how to play xD. They just *click mystery and my job is done*.

    The answer is - again - masked man :P. Or just have the initiative. Or run LM with Roots or dodge.

I am mostly talking about the Wind Main- Kurenai meta though

Which Masked Man doesn't do much there. But yeah as I said immunity helps a lot, dodge also

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On 2018-04-22 08:16:36Show this Author Only
  • Barrin On 2018-04-22 04:42:09
  • Hokage Minato hard to counter? 95% of Hokage Minato players, have no idea how to play xD. They just *click mystery and my job is done*.

    The answer is - again - masked man :P. Or just have the initiative. Or run LM with Roots or dodge.

Minato easy to counter since not all is perfect . But for minato burst team the front line sure dies even he immune or not . just need some clones to avoid and counter it .

This post was last edited by Kuro하돌 on 2018-04-22 08:19:58.
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On 2018-04-22 09:45:17Show this Author Only

HK minato teams die to light main blitz/swordsman blitz due to the fact that they'll shred through clones and won't lose any standards and have interruption to deal with kurenai's mystery.

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On 2018-04-22 12:43:30Show this Author Only
  • ICExx On 2018-04-22 06:19:45
  • I am mostly talking about the Wind Main- Kurenai meta though

    Which Masked Man doesn't do much there. But yeah as I said immunity helps a lot, dodge also

Never had any problems with it. Acupuncture, Masked man, Paralysis Chase, Ignition on standard attack......plenty of options to pop the mirror, to pop his dodge and interrupting Kurenai.

But okay, I see your point for teams, who only have the MM Mystery in the first round to take care of both Minato and Kurenai.

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On 2018-04-22 15:40:10Show this Author Only

Yes , yes

And I do agree with Kuro if they are using the wind clones then using Kushimaru team or LM with repulse standard should be easy win vs Minato teams

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On 2018-04-22 16:29:32Show this Author Only

to counter Fuguki teams u need p2w ninjas/super rare/ninjas event? any option?

i always met this teams on arena ranked. Very annoying teams

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On 2018-04-22 20:13:25Show this Author Only

Good Shark Kisame teams are more annoying than everything there.

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On 2018-04-22 22:43:44Show this Author Only

how to counter shisui mm jonin minato team?

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On 2018-04-23 02:05:26Show this Author Only
  • xxMihai On 2018-04-22 20:13:25
  • Good Shark Kisame teams are more annoying than everything there.

What type of team would that be?

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On 2018-04-23 04:42:11Show this Author Only
  • vr00z On 2018-04-22 16:29:32
  • to counter Fuguki teams u need p2w ninjas/super rare/ninjas event? any option?

    i always met this teams on arena ranked. Very annoying teams

It was just some examples that I think are most common (unless you are on S800+)

You will always have to thrive for those ninjas anyway, but as f2p the Lightning Main blitz team with Darui/Iruka/WB Asuma or similar is quite easy to achieve for example

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On 2018-04-23 04:44:24Show this Author Only
  • Cyproheptadine On 2018-04-22 22:43:44
  • how to counter shisui mm jonin minato team?

Taking away the barrier and having passively immune ninjas is the biggest counter to that team.

Since it has 0 damage buffs except barrier and it relies more on controlling

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On 2018-04-23 05:11:39Show this Author Only

lets add two other common teams:

1) Kurama Naruto - Roshi - Bee sst.

2) Itachi susano'o/anbu, shisui, madara/iruka.

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On 2018-04-24 16:57:15Show this Author Only
  • Garv On 2018-04-23 05:11:39
  • lets add two other common teams:

    1) Kurama Naruto - Roshi - Bee sst.

    2) Itachi susano'o/anbu, shisui, madara/iruka.

against kurama - roshi - bee , i used kyuubi - hashirama - wind main - bee and i won and that guy had better 1st position than me and 30k more power... for itachi susanoo anbu shisui and madara , go roshi in front of madara without anyone behind him so madara will always combo roshi and buff him , and have kurama 2nd position - earth main with defense knowledge and bee , and its gg, Madara will die from roshis chases. i almost won in my cluster 80k bp higher than me .

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On 2018-04-24 17:58:03Show this Author Only
  • Jori. On 2018-04-24 16:57:15
  • against kurama - roshi - bee , i used kyuubi - hashirama - wind main - bee and i won and that guy had better 1st position than me and 30k more power... for itachi susanoo anbu shisui and madara , go roshi in front of madara without anyone behind him so madara will always combo roshi and buff him , and have kurama 2nd position - earth main with defense knowledge and bee , and its gg, Madara will die from roshis chases. i almost won in my cluster 80k bp higher than me .

And without owning 4-6 tails for the first team.

And without owning kurama naruto for the 2nd team?

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On 2018-04-24 18:31:42Show this Author Only
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-04-24 17:58:03
  • And without owning 4-6 tails for the first team.

    And without owning kurama naruto for the 2nd team?

I know I will sound bad saying this but ...

You can't expect to beat deluxe ninjas without owning some deluxe ninjas yourself

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On 2018-04-24 22:12:32Show this Author Only

What about that team minato hokage shisui kurenai and wind main ?Or Minato masked man kurenai and wind main?How should i beat them? ;)

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On 2018-04-24 23:35:33Show this Author Only

Shisui LM anbu itachi and masked man can beat naruto bee roshi and EM. Just interrupt EM (usually pos3) with LM (pos 2) then use masked man on EM followed by shisui onto EM 2nd round = gg.

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On 2018-04-24 23:38:38Show this Author Only
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-04-24 17:58:03
  • And without owning 4-6 tails for the first team.

    And without owning kurama naruto for the 2nd team?

i did beat Kurama bee roshi with HKminato - iruka - asuma wb .

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