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[ Suggestions ] Matsuri Matching


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-17 07:11:48Show All Posts
  • smaddeus On 2018-04-17 03:49:35
  • It's a debate that has been going on since the introduction of Matsuri event. They probably wont ever fix it, since they probably think it doesn't require a fix, since for them it works like intended. What we need is to change this event at 180 degrees. Currently it looks for levels, not powers, thus it can throw you players that are equal leveled, but power can vary drastically and creates such an unfair gameplay experience. It's just crap at how it is now, thus I basically never play it, because there is no use, since there are such pay to win players that easily discourages you to participate with this level system, they have much lower level, but about 10-30k more power than you, so even if it'll say you'll be matched with lower level, you'll just get stronger opponent.

    That happens because of two reasons, one is that you already know, that lower levels can have even much higher power than you, which is why I dislike the balance in this game. Second thing is that if you get such players to fight, it means that there simply aren't any lower levels with power that rivals yours or is lower than yours, giving you a fair chance to climb back up and try to beat someone else. What we need is a system that looks for power not level, with +/- 5k power difference and no more, that's much more fair, and fights will depend more on the initiative in a fair way, and what ninjas you use as well, rather than 100k player meets 130k, or 80k vs 90k.

    Ridiculously unbalanced and unfair. I just don't get it how developers themselves can't think logically straight and predict simple outcome, or that they still ignore us and this issue, and do not want to change how this is working. Pay to win players do not encourage others with this kind of system ffs, they just discourage players, nobody will spend more to beat someone in Matsuri just because the opponent was +30k higher...that's just how child would think rather than a sane matured person developing games.

    This issue has been way too long to not get so frustrated at developers, and for developers to keep denying or ignoring this simple fact.

Matsuri has always been a gamble on your match, but if you read the matching screen it says you'll get matched to random player if you wait more than 60 secs. Paying attention to these odds kinda helps. For example if you just lost and says you'll be matched to player of lower lvl, dont let matching timer go over 60 seconds. As well as vice versus if youre to be matched to a higher lvl, let you timer go over 60 secs and you may end up with a lower lvl player who isnt aware of random match. This isn't fail safe by any means because being in the advantage that p2ws or plain higher lvls have. They can let their timer go over 60 secs because it doesn't matter to them. This works 75% of the time. 3 to 4 wins most times, I wouldn't skip the event just because of frustration, get the 3 matches, win or lose and you'll get rewards.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-19 12:45:26Show All Posts
  • Garv On 2018-04-17 17:57:49
  • yesterday happened to me a thing that theoretically, given the rules and the way we know matchmaking works, should not have happened.

    I'm level 98, 123k power.

    I meet a level 100 with 154k power and i lose.

    At that point I join again and, astonished, i meet him again.

    Now, this would be possible if one of us waited more than 60 seconds or if i beated him in the previous battle, but neither of these conditions happened (we were matched after 20 seconds) and since he was both higher level and higher power than me shouldn't have been possible for us to be matched again, but happened.

    Moreover another weird thing that happens to me lately is that i get matched since last 5 times almost only with people at higher power than me.

    Considering the fact in my bracket the number of people with higher power than me are around 50, while the people with lower power than me are closer to the quadruple digit than to the triple digit this thing is indeed weird and somehow smells of deliberate rigging (overall because didn't happen at the same time. twice happened after world boss time, once as soon as matsuri began and twice 30 minutes after matsuri began).

    I may consider it a coincidence if happened once of twice, but 5 times in a row begins to sound like a proof.

I cant explain the 20 sec match with the same guy scenario, but being matched 5 times to higher level is explained by those higher lvls have just been waiting and 60 secs has already passed for them. Especially doing the event after 9 tails. Bad luck, bad timing in the event. Not that everyone enters the event right when it starts but odds are the pool would be higher because the lower lvls/powers have not been knocked out yet. I do know it was stated it searches lvl not power, so it's possible to match a lower lvl that has huge bp(level freezer) as well as vice versus(higher lvl/low bp). Capping the event isnt as simple as 10k difference higher because a 90k with right team to counter a 120k is possible albeit the rarity of the occurrence.

If youre in servers 1-13 the pool isnt the same as 14-****. Again, timing might be a possibility if it was at start, who can really predict when the whales decide to do their matsuri.

This post was last edited by Kagecho on 2018-04-19 12:55:20.
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