Views: 10718 | Replies: 23
Should I start on a old server or new?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-18 04:40:15Show All Posts
  • ZWen On 2018-04-17 16:54:45
  • How about you join the new server and do some stuffs to prevent it from dying? I mean even if it die, new servers now get merge pretty fast. I'm on a 4 months + old server and already merged like a month ago.

    Things you can do to help prolong your server life are :

    +If you are a group leader, don't hoard all the good players in your group. Normal players are tend to join the strongest group without knowing doing so will directly kill the server. Learn to refuse, do not take more than 20 players and more than 4 top players This way players will be distribute equally between at least 3 or 4 groups and your server will have a much better competition instead of people just join the strongest group and the rest jump to another server.

    +If you are not a leader type then don't go join the strongest group, join the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and help them instead.

That. Mine it's 7 months old with a merge up and it's very active & fun. Merges come quick nowadays & we are 3 active groups competing for gnw at this moment. Convos and plunders going all the time, no need to feel underpowered at an older server which isn't fun at all.

This post was last edited by DarthVader55 on 2018-04-18 04:43:01.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-18 17:12:51Show All Posts
  • illaoi On 2018-04-18 08:14:04
  • I haven't played this game in like a year, how quick do merges come now?

mine was at month 4th, i have to say at that point we need it one but it came at the right time and now 3 more months have passed and we have plenty people active. But ya as @Raikiri said above me every 2-3 weeks they merge some so yours might come even quicker maybe at month 3 which we didn't actually need in my server (it was that last month when people started quitting don't know why), but ofc all servers are different. If you had an old account which you played for long (for me 3months or 4 is good length), go back there, thats a lot of work done, but think that now power comes easier than long ago so you might be underpowered at your level. If no good account i will go to a newer server, they are not dead at all as people in old servers say they are, ofc they are not like when the game launched but they are active enough.

Quicky Post

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