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[ Events ] Events - 15th March


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-15 03:19:14Show All Posts
  • Resilliance On 2018-03-15 02:48:08
  • I think Roshi's gonna be in redemption. Putting him in something like star wheel is...slightly unfair to the people who've put in months of seals to get him

Putting any top tier ninja in there for full 80 frags is unfair.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-15 14:51:04Show All Posts

They haven't done the maintenance yet.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-16 16:48:25Show All Posts
  • blizark On 2018-03-16 15:12:40
  • Konoha Outlets" NEW EVENT" is one THE WORST EVENT ever made

    Whoever design this event should get fired lol. No sane spenders or f2p will buy this rubbish event.

    What are u doing admins and others staffs? you are all incompetent fools. This is clearly showing that most of u are not professional at all

Chill the hell out. There is a way to give them this feedback without being a total jack-off.

This post was last edited by Rexxy on 2018-03-16 16:48:47.
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