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[ Suggestions ] Mine reward flip cards


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-11 01:01:24Show All PostsDescending Order
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Everyone has noticed by now, that you either only once, or never at all, have gotten the Treasure Tool Essence, basically it is rigged heavily in my opinion, though I would consider it as a fact as a means of pointless coupon spending and not as an opinion.

Not a single time I have gotten a Treasure Tool Essence from flipping a card, and I stopped spending 10 coupons soon after the mine got introduced, because I realized that this thing is heavily rigged and almost impossible to get any Tool Essence, maybe someone can prove me wrong by giving a real example of that person winning that Tool Essence from flipping cards, and how many coupons it took to finally get it, including the coupons you have to spend to plunder more than twice, because two times is for free to plunder, but second time you are already been asked to spend 10 coupons to flip a reward card, and you still wont get the Tool Essence.

Here's my statement.

At first I testing it out and I kept spending few times coupons, took a couple of days, but I only spent for the card flip, not third time plunder, since then it would take 30 total coupons per day as minimum, unless a second time card reveal costs more than 10 coupons as you keep plundering. Anyway. I I changed positions of which card I flipped, at first I went for the first card from the left, never got the essence, so it started to feel fishy, then I changed to middle card, and then the Essence started to show up in the first card I was constantly picking from the start...weird, huh? then I tried again first card for a couple of days, still nothing, and when I did that, the tool essence was in the middle again...and then I changed to middle, and I have kept picking middle card ever since, and not a single time I have gotten Tool Essence of any kind in the middle card, it is everywhere around, but not in the middle, which is a fact that this is another scam.

What I would suggest is to increase at least the chances of getting the essence, I know essence is very valuable, but maybe people shouldn't be deceived like this by showing every time that there is 33.3% chance of winning an essence when in fact it's maybe 10% or 5% chance, or maybe 0% chance to get the essence. Either increase chances, or there should be a a 4th prize, something that switched with places with Essence time to time. For example, imagine having three cards, two contain some type of ore, and the third, instead of essence, has something like cave key, or mood scroll, OR essence as a third rewarding gift, and each card has either 33% chance to draw one of them, or at least the more valuable item should be around 20% chance while ore sits at 40% chance to win one of them.

What I mean is that the third card containing most valuable item should vary time to time from something, one day it's cave keys, one day essence, one day whatever else, like, maybe magatama level 4. You wont get them often, but you will have higher chance to get that third valuable item instead of ores, unlike not getting that third item at all which is how it is now, meaning you are just constantly drawing cards between either gold, silver, or copper ore depending which two of them are being placed against, and that essence is just a false card which doesn't work basically, maybe it's a bug...but highly doubt it because of how obvious the marketing manager is in this game.

At the moment I have stopped seeing that Essence flip card as an actual prize, I only see two cards containing ore, the Essence Tool is meaningless to me, that's how bad this system is.

This post was last edited by smaddeus on 2018-03-11 01:01:24.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-12 20:47:43Show All Posts
  • Garv On 2018-03-11 03:13:54
  • since the day 1 i used 10 coupons to roll twice per day.

    Got, so far, 2 purple and 4 blue essences, 0 gold.

    P.S. we are always deceived. When we roll in lucky star wheel don't we all think the 80 fragments have a 1/8 chance to be rolled? the same for every wheel there is in the game.

You are comparing lucky wheel with lots of chances, like...12 chances to win something, in lucky wheel it's 1/12th and considering the fixated rate of the grand prize, I must say it is more than just 1/12, if you got that 1/12 chance finally, it will have another 1/12 you must hit to get it. Where in this flip card thingy it's not the same, it's a bit lesser, of course gold one is really valuable, but I haven't gotten not even a blue one, not once, so it's more sadder than the lucky wheel where getting something is satisfactory nonetheless, since mostly there are prizes that are usable even if you don't get the grand prize, which is not what I even tend to am for, since i know it's pointless to bother, so I am there only for the casual power items.

I suppose I am super unlucky, I haven't gotten anything much from similar events.

This post was last edited by smaddeus on 2018-03-12 20:49:17.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-12 20:50:08Show All Posts
  • ✪SalBoi On 2018-03-11 09:50:19
  • The card you choose doest make any difference, Same as TI like Danzo said. Its already determined what reward you will get. That being said, yes the chance of getting the gold esense isnt high, i use 10 coupons for second attempt evey time there is a purple or gold essence and so far i didnt get a single gold one, and i do it for both my accs everyday. While a guy from my server already got 4 golds thats way. Its about luck, chance isnt 33.3% , wouldnt make sense for such valuable item to have so high chance of drop. But it isnt a 0% chance either.

I know it doesn't matter, but that's not the point why I said that...clearly.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-12 20:51:30Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-03-11 04:55:23
  • I'm not sure if you figured this out but the card flip system in Team Instance does not give choice of rewards when you select a reward. If you receive a stronger ninja tool you would automatically get the message of getting a strong ninja tool right after the match ends and before you have the chance to select a tool. I'm sure the same mechanism is applied in Treasure Tool essense.

I know it a long time ago from just TI event flipping, but that's not the point of why I even bothered to say it, I am merely making a point here that even this crap is so fixated.

Quicky Post

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