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[ Events ] Events - 1st March


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  • Registered: 2017-09-10
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On 2018-03-01 01:22:15Show All Posts
  • Mass On 2018-03-01 00:43:39
  • Decent week not gonna lie there, but i commend a mod to deliver this message to the person who plans the event and updates.

    I think i speak for the mayority of the player when i say that i expect this to be the last week without a update, its been a lot of time since we had one and we are seriously behind in features that is not funny, i meant it, the game its really stale atm and every week we post that we want something new and you fail to deliver. so please, plan ahead better, if you need help planning events or something we will gladly help to to improve events and such.


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