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[ Events ] Events - 18th January


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On 2018-01-17 22:08:32Show this Author Only

no fateful choice

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On 2018-01-17 22:09:01Show this Author Only

ctrl c + ctrl v lol

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On 2018-01-17 22:09:29Show this Author Only


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On 2018-01-17 22:09:54Show this Author Only
  • trashpanda On 2018-01-17 21:46:48
  • Is it just me or are the events getting worse every week in 2018.....

no.. not just you

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On 2018-01-17 22:16:26Show this Author Only
  • rk. On 2018-01-17 21:53:14
  • Germany envys you

envy's us on what exacly?

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On 2018-01-17 22:20:53Show this Author Only

What a shocker, more copy paste events from previous weeks, you aren't even trying by this point. Yeah hand out more of those shark kisames and shisui for free to all the lucky players who will then wreck all the others who didn't get so lucky.

You are destroying the balance by handing out these 20k ingot ninjas for free, what can i do in my cross server gnw if a lucky merged server gets a bunch of kisames,shisuis for free while my unmerged server gets to play with 2.0 ninjas since no one is lucky enough to draw these ridiculous event ninjas?

Would you be so kind and pay some attention to your game and put some more effort into these events? This is blatant copy paste and it's been happening for over a year. This is not good enough to keep players interested in your game.

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On 2018-01-17 22:22:16Show this Author Only

The event is messed up haha

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On 2018-01-17 22:23:13Show this Author Only
  • Dratas On 2018-01-17 21:55:25
  • Seriuosly Event Period: December 21st – December 27th

...hups :D I were looking at that and wondering...

b) Each reward can only be claimed once daily. The rewards will be changed every day. Don’t miss out!

c) Use the Fireworks with other players to obtain rewards. Click other player’s characters to find the Fireworks icon so that you c*e it.

(3) 7 Days of Welfare - Gingerbread

Event Period: December 21st – December 27th

Requirements: Players must have reached Level 10 in order to participate.


a) The Gingerbread can be obtained from the “7 Days of Welfare” event.

b) Find the “Gingerbread” icon at the bottom of the “7 Days of Welfare” event interface.

c) Use Gingerbreads to redeem for various rewards and Discount Vouchers. Discount Vouchers are only valid during 24 hours; remember to use them on time! Gingerbreads you obtained during the event will disappear after the event is over.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-17 22:24:05Show this Author Only
  • WaifuBeater On 2018-01-17 22:20:53
  • What a shocker, more copy paste events from previous weeks, you aren't even trying by this point. Yeah hand out more of those shark kisames and shisui for free to all the lucky players who will then wreck all the others who didn't get so lucky.

    You are destroying the balance by handing out these 20k ingot ninjas for free, what can i do in my cross server gnw if a lucky merged server gets a bunch of kisames,shisuis for free while my unmerged server gets to play with 2.0 ninjas since no one is lucky enough to draw these ridiculous event ninjas?

    Would you be so kind and pay some attention to your game and put some more effort into these events? This is blatant copy paste and it's been happening for over a year. This is not good enough to keep players interested in your game.

"Yeah hand out more of those shark kisames and shisui for free to all the lucky players who will then wreck all the others who didn't get so lucky.

You are destroying the balance by handing out these 20k ingot ninjas for free."

I hope at least 1 person from Oasis sees this...though I doubt they care!

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On 2018-01-17 22:27:38Show this Author Only


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On 2018-01-17 22:28:01Show this Author Only

New cloth looks interesting, but the rest are.. meh.. Charm event is way too soon...
7days of welfare why? Who will open many treasures for *ty rewards when recruitment event give better ones plus everyone collecting seals for the GNW. This all is just very unimaginative.

  • Registered: 2017-09-19
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On 2018-01-17 22:29:40Show this Author Only

Well, judging from what you got, I can only imagine what crappy events Germany gets. I'm already crying xD

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On 2018-01-17 22:34:56Show this Author Only

New Exam update,Modz?

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On 2018-01-17 22:39:44Show this Author Only

wait what ?!?!?!?!? meh another saving week :/

This post was last edited by Raizel Di Cadiz on 2018-01-17 22:44:36.
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On 2018-01-17 22:40:49Show this Author Only

is this a mistake?

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On 2018-01-17 22:43:05Show this Author Only
  • Lycan Von Wolf On 2018-01-17 22:40:49
  • is this a mistake?

All information present in the game is the final and correct information.

No this is Oasis! :D

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On 2018-01-17 22:44:27Show this Author Only
  • Lycan Von Wolf On 2018-01-17 22:40:49
  • is this a mistake?

we c*l hope :/

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On 2018-01-17 22:50:56Show this Author Only

I really hope that there was some kind of mistake with this post and these aren't the actual events. Those christmas events were an abomination, i cant believe they are re-using them without any tweaks to make them better. If these are the actual events they better come up with some amazing stuff next week because the players aren't happy.

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On 2018-01-17 22:52:35Show this Author Only

man i wish they would give some more events that gave out some ninja frags or like some clothes and do it so everyone could have a chance at getting it like they did with the Christmas ninja gift

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-17 22:58:01Show this Author Only

Do we have sakura sailor in lucky star wheel

Quicky Post

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