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[ Events ] Events - 18th January


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  • Registered: 2017-11-23
  • Topics: 80
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On 2018-01-17 21:44:17Show All Posts

Skip week lol. Again 7 days of welfare exactly copied from Christmas lol and early charm rebate.

  • Registered: 2017-11-23
  • Topics: 80
  • Posts: 171
On 2018-01-18 13:27:56Show All Posts
  • KenR On 2018-01-18 08:24:40
  • ev1-2ev1ev3ev2

    Time Limited Shop is the same as you remember (Explosive Heart Pack, Tortoise, Susanoo Sasuke, Naruto 9-tails chakra).

Lol no more Shisui for lucky low levels haha. I don't understand why you don't like Tobirama. He is waaaay harder to be obtained , because reaching battle armor rank 9 is almost impossible for f2p and low spenders. His kit is nice , buffs the whole field , blinds 2 ninjas , mystery hits up to 12 people .. That was a good decision not giving away Shisui again basically for free if you are lucky. We will have plenty of events where Shisui could be obtained in the future. By the way a guy made a thread in the bugs and support section claiming he wants tobirama but can't get him because only new ninjas are in the events. I guess they finally listened to somebody which is a start. I would really want to see Hokage Minato in some future events .. because he is op. And you can't get him from anywhere these days ..

Quicky Post

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