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[ Events ] Events - 18th January


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-18 00:34:38Show All Posts

lol ... why you people even argue? First of all. These guys here are just mods. Mods are not even employees of Oasis. They are all just players doing some extra work reading and ignoring forums, getting paid in coupons. They do not even have a contract. That is how mods work. Anywhere. Not to mention feedback etc. here is just for show. Nobody cares about you, deal with it :D and just try to enjoy the game with your friends. There will never be updates you ask for, there will never be events you ask for, there will never be ninjas you ask for. They just do whatever they like, ignore updates however they like, refuse to do what makes NO in CN so good. But ... they must still be making a lot of money otherwise they would not make such decisions so ... and do not be mistaken .. their goal and the goal of any company on the planet is not to make you happy, it is not to make you satisfied. The only goal is to make money. If it kills people? Does not matter as long as it makes money.

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