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[ Events ] Refine rebate


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  • Registered: 2017-11-04
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On 2018-01-05 01:00:32Show All Posts
  • Allyrianne On 2018-01-04 09:24:01
  • The point is, we had a refine rebate event in the form of 7 Days of Welfare event. People who did that event would probably complain why another refine rebate would come soon. If you have seen Daisuke's response to another thread, he very well stated why we won't have another refine rebate anytime soon. It's too late to say anything about 7 days of welfare since it's done, people did it, and Oasis tries not to add another refine rebate knowing many of their players used their refine runes.

    Event order isn't messed up. Try to read Daisuke's response to another "refine rebate" thread and they intended not to bring the typical rebate event as we had 7 days of welfare the other week.

Hi, i just want to say something, im asuming you are not a new player you've seen the other refine rebates more than once right? if you knowing the rewards that event gives still decide the 7 day welfare is more worth it im totally okay with that but what gives you the right to complain if the refine rebate comes next week ? (just an example) they didn't put a gun in your head and told you (USE YOUR RUNES HERE) it was your choice after all so i dont think you have the right to complain about it (not like they care for people that complains).

What i think happened is: since last refine event got delayed also im guessing they moved it maybe from the first week in the month to the 2nd or 3rd?

  • Registered: 2017-11-04
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On 2018-01-05 05:47:54Show All Posts
  • Allyrianne On 2018-01-05 02:36:19
  • If we go by your logic about complaints, then what gives these people the right to complain about a week of no refine rebate? It's not like Oasis points a gun on their heads saying "don't participate in the 7 days of welfare event". They could have, but they didn't, cause they thought refine rebate proceeds that week, as what most of us have thought. Now you're talking about why would people complain about a consecutive wave of events similar to refine rebates? Can't you tell why would people get upset? They created the 7 days of welfare event, it was there and people did it. Now the moderator has clarified why we don't have a refine rebate event, that is, because we had a similar one in the form of 7 days of welfare, and they've thought about the benefit of more players, so they omitted the following week's refine rebate thinking it would help more people to start saving up again, and to help those who could save up more to reach the max reward point. People who did not participate in the 7 days of welfare surely still has their refine runes. What gives you the right to complain when you have not lost anything?? Don't even tell me shizz about winning in sage or arena coz boo-hoo, you could have done your refines, such a fairy tale. Get a grip. There were even people who were glad coz they had the time to save up some more and to get a better chance at upgrading several refine levels. Instead of just crying, try to keep saving your runes and wait for the rebate, that is ascertained by the moderator. Question, have you saved 500 runes in total to get the max rewards? Are your refine levels a bit low that you're certain wish credits would have guaranteed multiple refinement success? If the former questions aren't relevant to you, then what gives you the right to cry?

    Words are double-edged. Words are mirrors. Pleasant words get pleasant feedback, otherwise nein.

then what gives these people the right to complain about a week of no refine rebate?

No one is complaining in here, even the autor of the post is just asking what happened to refine rebate because he thought it was supossed to be this week

Now you're talking about why would people complain about a consecutive wave of events similar to refine rebates?

UM i didn't say anything like that but wathever

Can't you tell why would people get upset? They created the 7 days of welfare event, it was there and people did it

the same logic would also apply to the seals scroll rebates there are two of them and we got one last week, now tell me would it be okay of tomorrow you discover they will skip the other rebate (which is better) for who knows how long? would the people that used their seal scrolls complain because they don't have enough seals to do the next rebate? NO if you don't have enough you skip it (at least thats what i do) unless you are a whale and plan to waste your ingots in seals/runes or unless you somehow manage to farm 500 runes or 300 seals in 1 month why would you complain? again it was your choice to use it on the first place, and just because that event is there does not mean you have to do it

Now the moderator has clarified why we don't have a refine rebate event, that is, because we had a similar one in the form of 7 days of welfare, and they've thought about the benefit of more players, so they omitted the following week's refine rebate thinking it would help more people to start saving up again

Again i didn't say anything about this but if its true it will look more to me like a punishment to these players who didn't to use their resources in that event

People who did not participate in the 7 days of welfare surely still has their refine runes. What gives you the right to complain when you have not lost anything??

UMM nope not complaining unlike you i can't farm 500 runes in 1 month so it doesn't really matter to me, if i don't get to do the rebate this month i migh be able to do 2 in a row so no point in complaining about this, can't say it wouldn't be better if we got it this week but still.

Don't even tell me shizz about winning in sage or arena coz boo-hoo, you could have done your refines, such a fairy tale. Get a grip.

Again i didnt say anything about this are you sure you confused me with someone else?

There were even people who were glad coz they had the time to save up some more and to get a better chance at upgrading several refine levels

There is also people like me and the autor of the thread that would rather have the refine event this week, so whats the point?

Instead of just crying, try to keep saving your runes and wait for the rebate

Idk what to say at this point, read my reply again

Question, have you saved 500 runes in total to get the max rewards?

Yup, i skipped last one because i see the purification pills + adv runes more worth it than the 7day welfare rewards

Are your refine levels a bit low that you're certain wish credits would have guaranteed multiple refinement success?

I don't understand the point of this question

If the former questions aren't relevant to you, then what gives you the right to cry?

BTW no need to be toxic about this, i didn't reply to you in a toxic way did i?

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