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[ Help ] How to counter Neji and Disrupters


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-27 21:00:07Show All Posts
  • Kyutaru On 2016-08-26 03:35:51
  • Nothing's changed. Literally the only way to stop an interruption is to use the jutsu out of turn sequence so they can't interrupt you. If it's on auto, the enemy will even waste their interrupt needlessly.

    Put important jutsu users at Move 1 so they go before most interrupters.

    The waiting game is the only way to make it work. If you have been farming tokens, get Kisame. His autoattack drains chakra and makes it so the enemy doesn't have any to interrupt you with. You can safely use your jutsu after Kisame attacks.
I have been farming tokens and i'm gonna have Kisame real soon. I have lightning main and i am lvl 55. I do have a lineup for kisame and lightning main along with Kimi and Sasuke but i think at my level I would be definitely needing a healer after reading Kisame's review on another post plus Sasuke being a glass canon. Any strat you'd suggest through which i could use Kisame with LMC?
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