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  • Registered: 2017-11-20
  • Topics: 6
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On 2017-12-30 08:07:54Show All PostsDescending Order
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i've saved up 12k coupons the past month and i think of going for lucky board. but the thing is, i can't make up a choice. masked man is in there and he's a really good ninja to have, especially for fighting blitz team (and anbu itachi is coming up, he might synergize with him), but i also need power. if i go for masked man, i probably need to spend all 12k for him. i'm having second thoughts going for ninjas because they get nerfed/buffed, and also because of these new ninjas suddenly getting released one by one. for power items, i just need to spend 9k. i still kinda need ~150 medium refine runes, since i used 200 in 7 days of welfare, but i already maxed charm rebate this week. currently, i'm happy with my team, the only issue is that it can't handle blitz. wtf do i do guys? >:(

  • Registered: 2017-11-20
  • Topics: 6
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On 2017-12-31 12:24:01Show All Posts

thanks guys! i guess i'm gonna go with what itachy said, and save the coupons plus just get the power items i need for upcoming rebate. oh god this game is testing my patience. see you next time obito XD

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