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[ Player Guide ] 9 Tails (The event) Teams for all mains


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On 2018-07-08 20:39:45Show this Author Only
  • ICExx On 2018-07-07 16:39:15
  • White Monkey/Gamabunta are the best ones because of +atk/nin buffs + great damage, however the problem is that you would need them at level 3

    So currently pakkun is better, you can exeperiment with Shiba also if you have round 1 mystery

Well, I use Lightning Main, which means Lightning Armor for sure. But...I don't see any great damage. So I'll see if using Pakkun will have sny sort of difference.

Also, it's Gamachu, not Gamabunta.

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On 2018-07-09 03:39:35Show this Author Only
  • Naked Snake On 2018-07-08 20:39:45
  • Well, I use Lightning Main, which means Lightning Armor for sure. But...I don't see any great damage. So I'll see if using Pakkun will have sny sort of difference.

    Also, it's Gamachu, not Gamabunta.

ah I see well if Lightning Armor then it's round 1 always and you won't use it again until round 4

In that case I'd say Shiba is for sure a better choice to use

And yes sorry :P Gamachu

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On 2018-08-21 02:39:47Show this Author Only

I only have Asuma Edo Tensei, but not Wind Blade. Its still good?

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On 2018-08-21 04:30:10Show this Author Only

Is there any FULL AFK team ??

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On 2018-10-31 17:58:52Show this Author Only

Hello everybody,

I read all the posts and I have some comments.
I use a P2W team : Shisui - Itachi Anbu - Iruka for PvP and GNW AND Kyubi for the moment.

I change my skills and mystery for 2-2-1-3-1 and Tonton. I am far the best on my server but we are low level for now. The avantage is that Shisui hits two times per round and go until the end of Kyubi. The same with Iruka if you are Lucky. So you have two ninjas with great ATK who go until the end. Is it better to retreat at the end of round 5 because we are losing the buff from Iruka?

One idea I had, it's to change Itachi Anbu by Tobirama Edo and take the crab for making great combo. I think you can hit 50 times per round minimum. And if you can have Hashirama for the buff you will have really good damages. Let me see what you think about this idea. I will try it next friday.

One thing I read too it's about the breakthrough of Hashirama. This breakthrough is for Kyubi I think because you will keep the buff until you die. So if you have great ninjas with high combo chase and with dodge skill, they will go until the 10th round with buff. Same for Tobirama Senju.

But fore sure, this ninjas are hard to get for F2P and for P2W too. But maybe if you take your time you can have it.

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On 2018-11-01 09:53:29Show this Author Only

This is the team I use. It's not entirely f2p friendly thanks to Angel. My Gaara is 4* and has SB +1 for his shield. The buff that Asuma provides and the buff that Gaaras' sand hell provides is amazing for sustained dps. I ended up taking down 24% of ninetails life and got 1st place in damage. If I remember correctly I did roughly 10M damage to the world boss and was able to survive for all 10 rounds.


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On 2018-11-01 13:09:16Show this Author Only
  • PilotoDaFAB On 2018-11-01 09:53:29
  • This is the team I use. It's not entirely f2p friendly thanks to Angel. My Gaara is 4* and has SB +1 for his shield. The buff that Asuma provides and the buff that Gaaras' sand hell provides is amazing for sustained dps. I ended up taking down 24% of ninetails life and got 1st place in damage. If I remember correctly I did roughly 10M damage to the world boss and was able to survive for all 10 rounds.


You should move gaara to p1, so everyone benefits from barrier during r1, r4 and r7

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On 2018-11-25 08:29:41Show this Author Only

What are the talents and the summon???

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On 2019-04-09 08:58:26Show this Author Only

im lvl 83 and i only have 90 ninjas rn, and my highest team is only about 38k power, but, anyway, here is my ninetails team, i use GNW temari instead of five kage summit, it increases the overall damage, i use shadow clone jutsu because it does more damage than gust dance and still helps reach the combos and blocks hits from the ninetails.

Screenshot 2019-04-08 at 19Screenshot 2019-04-08 at 19

  • Registered: 2019-09-13
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On 2020-04-14 02:44:34Show this Author Only

Can some ninja work in the place of Iruka I don't have him

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On 2020-04-14 04:48:11Show this Author Only

Depends on your ninja pool. F2P who don't have Iruka, usually use someone like Guy.

  • Registered: 2019-11-10
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On 2020-04-14 19:03:40Show this Author Only

Anyone got a good team for fire main WITHOUT iruka?? gosh iruka everything :(

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On 2020-04-18 06:16:58Show this Author Only
  • melvin85 On 2017-11-26 19:34:53
  • water i just use chojuro mei tenten


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