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[ Help ] Roshi VS Ay 3rd


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-20 11:31:20Show All Posts

These are Roshi and Ay's stats.



As you can see, roshi has better offensive scalings than Ay, who has better HP stat. They are 2 really different ninjas.

Most of Roshi's damage comes from his 30 combo chase, so if you want to use him fully you need to have a way to proc it. He is immune to CC but at the same time he is vulnerable to burst damage (like lightning blitz) since he isn't a "proper" tank. You need a team that could keep him alive enough to scale into a real monster.

Ay instead is a massive tank who becomes quite ineffective if debuffed. He could oneshot one line of enemies with his mystery turn 2... but if paralyzed he'll lose all of his utility (most teams works around proc'ing his 2 high damage/paralyze chases + his immobile chase). Also his scaling could be boosted almost to the max thanks to CF's 4th mystery, but at the same time depleted by chakra stealing.

Which one is better depends on your playstyle and, above else, by the ninja you own.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 45
  • Posts: 742
On 2017-10-20 20:40:32Show All Posts
  • Voidium On 2017-10-20 19:19:04
  • So in other words, you either go "full aoe" and forget about him getting killed with blitz teams in top of it requiring some p2w ninjas/summons, or play more "scaling tortoise" style and forget about his 30 chase, which comes out to not exploiting him fully in both cases...

    In the other hand, I can understand why most recommendations goes towards Roshi, meanly because we still don't have Ay 3rd treasure for more people to give a more "based on experience" opinion, btw @Shryke how comes ay with 2781 life growth still have nearly same hp as roshi with only 1898 life growth (both at ~12k HP) i can't seem to understand how those "stats" growth works, only explanation i can think of is HP mood for roshi and something else for ay.

Yes, roshi is mooded in hp for better survivability and ay in atk, to maximize his turn 2 burst (around 21 k damage if i crit).

In the end, ay could be more f2p friendly since his dream team comes straight out of his treasure.

Roshi instead is more flexible, but at the same time requires more resources to build a team around him.

Quicky Post

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