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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-12 06:08:30Show All PostsDescending Order
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Alright then,

With the upcoming 4.0 Update on the GERMAN Servers these are the changes for the Main characters:

Azure Fang

-Healing Jutsu: Heals with a little bit of Luck 2 Units.

-Water Style - Super Shark Bomb: Inflicts Water damage and has increased Crit Rate and Crit Damage.

-Nature Energy: (New Jutsu) Regenerates 30 Chakra for any Unit that dies and increases your Nin-Jutsu by 15%. can be triggered twice per round. Also will the Azure Fang get the tag "Sage".

-Water Style - Water Clone Jutsu: Generates a Water clone with 60% Life of the Azure Fang. If the clone dies you regenerate 30 Chakra points.

-Nin-Jutsu-Research: (New Jutsu) Each round You inflict yourself Nin-Jutsu damage without crit possibility after that it lowers the cooldown of your Mystery by 1 round.

-Seal of hundredfold Strength: Recovers 3% of your life if you get damaged and increases your crit rate by 1%.

Scarlet Blaze

-Fire Style - Phoenix Fire Jutsu: As Long as you have a Oboro Clone on your field the cooldown of this mystery is reduced by 1 round.

-Sealing Jutsu - Seal of Red Lotus: As Long as you have a Oboro Clone on your field the cooldown of this mystery is reduced by 1 round.

-Fire Style - Dragon Flame Jutsu: As Long as you have a Oboro Clone on your field the cooldown of this mystery is reduced by 1 round.

-Death Mirage: causes "Tag" to 2 enemy Units before each round.

-Oboro Clone Jutsu: Summons 1 Oboro Clone with 45% Health of the Scarlet Blaze, the Standard attack of this Clone allows the Scarlet Blaze to attack once more.

Breeze Dancer

-Shadow Clone Jutsu: Summons 2 Shadow Clones with 20% of the Health of the Breeze Dancer, Also they have a high chance to cause Low Float.

-Hurricane Jutsu: Causes Wind damage to a selected Unit and another Randomly chosen Unit.

-Giant Rasengan: If there are atleast 2 Shadow Clones on your field, the cooldown of this mystery is decreased by 1 round.

-Sage Art - Wind Style - Sand Dust: Doesn't remove all negative Status effects anymore.

-Flower Guard: The Breeze Dancer and another Female Unit is now immune for 2 Rounds and generates a Shield based on 40% of the Resistance.

-Wind Style - *ing: Chases Low Float and Causes High Float and Blindness

-Shoot down Rasengan: can be triggered twice per round.

-Combo Blade of Wind: After using this Chase, allows the Breeze Dancer to attack a second time.

-Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu: Summons 3 Shadow Clones with 20% of the Health of the Breeze Dancer, Also they have a high chance to cause Low Float.

-Chakra Coordination: Chakra Regenerating Units recover 12% of their Health.

-Natural Draining: Increases the Nin-Jutsu by 6% everytime this Unit uses a Chase, Also this Unit gets the Tag "Sage".

Midnight Blade

-Calm Mind: Regenerates This Units Health for 8% or 16% of his own Nin Jutsu stat, recovers 20 Chakra Points also removes all Negative status effects. Is Immune to Status until the end of the round.

-Iaido - Instantaneous Flash: If the target is marked already, the cooldown of this Mystery will be reduced by 1 round.

-Anbu Special Assault Tactics: The Midnight Blade will have the attribute "Anbu" now.

-Clone Combination Tactics: Summons 2 Lightning Clones with 40% Health of the Midnight Blade and they use the "Lightning Assassination Sword" attack.

-Arena Prowess: Increases the Attack & Nin-Jutsu of this Unit by 12%for each other Unit that dies.

Crimson Fist

-Earth Style - Super Stone Fist Jutsu: Generates a shield for your Team based on 30% of the Resistance of the Crimson Fist.

-Tai-Jutsu attack: Has a High chance of causing 5-Hit-Combo.

-Earth Style - Petrifying Jutsu: Generates a shield for 2 units with the lowest Life based on 10% of the Crimson Fists Resistance. Has a fixed chance to generate shields based on 20% of the Crimson Fists Resistance.

-Steel Body: Increases the Defence and Resistance by 0.7% for every 1% Health missing.

-Earth Style - Boulder Jutsu: Creates a shield for up to 9 allied Units based on 40% of the Crimson Fists Resistance.

-Guidance: As long as this Unit is on the field the Combo Rate will be increased by 40% and the attack will be increased by 20% for all Male Units on your Team.

-Wood Style - Universe: Now attacks a Random selected Unit instead of the Front Row Unit.

-Defense Knowledge: As long as this Unit is on the field the Resistance will be increased by 40% and the Defence will be increased by 20% for all Units on your Team.

Those are the Changes which will happen on the German Servers therefore none of this is guaranteed to happen on our Servers.

Thank you for Reading, I hope you enjoyed the Possible Changes.

This post was last edited by S81-Avacyn on 2017-10-12 06:08:30.
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