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[ Midnight Blade ] Advise on MB Team


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-10 00:58:03Show All Posts

Hi there! I'm using the same lineup for months now and its really strong :D here's my formation and skills :

X - X - X

Sasuke - Main - Kimimaro

X - Jugo - X

Skills : 2-3-3-1-3 (If your summon is NinjaCat or Fukurukumaru), 2-2-1-1-3 (If your summon is WhiteSnake or Serpent, you can try using Bull or Rhino too with this skills but im not sure if its gonna work well)

You c4n also use Taijutsu Attack for the standard instead of beam of light or lightning assassination sword. Maybe you can switch base on siituations or base on your pref.

You c4n also switch Jugo with other ninjas like Hinata if you like to have acu, Pain - Ningendo which im using every GNW, or Mifune, Guy, Neji, Kabuto.

Try to upgrade your kimimaro too to 4star but 5star is better, and mood him with defense and put you highest defense magatamas with him, and your kimimaro will be hard like diamonds :D Jugo is only a bait as other says, but he can do pretty good damage too with his living wall fist mystery skill ..

Nothing beats the classics :D this is one of the pure F2P lineups for Lightning Mains :D

This post was last edited by Waka_Man on 2017-10-10 01:01:18.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-11 14:49:46Show All Posts

No problemo! :D

You're one lucky shinobi, that's my lineup since i joined GNWs, up until now and its really good, both offense and defense .. That's why when I saw your post, I answered it quickly.. hahaha

Quicky Post

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