Views: 1852 | Replies: 7
[ Strategy Share ] Help me with my line up team. lvl 53


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  • Registered: 2017-10-05
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On 2017-10-07 11:53:31Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2017-10-07 10:57:48
  • I don't think its the spending aspect they're throwing shade at the OP but how he got masked man, jonin minato, iruka, and sailor sakura and OP asking for help with a lineup. It seems like knows what he's doing with his lineup setup and just gloating.

Isn't that being a little cynical?

Though from a more logical POV I can see what you're at here. OP probably is an experienced player if he has that type of character... or maybe they just spent, I dunno.

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