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[ Help ] Sept 29th Disconnection and Login Issue Report Thread


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-30 12:44:51Show All Posts

Platform (Browser -Chrome) :

Server ID: s919

UID : 200000082509223

Character name : AzureDragon

Time Zone : LA time

Country: USA

Internet Provider: Spectrum

Event you did before disconnection: just finish 9 tails then afk go grab some food come back and i am dced. Tried to reload the browser and it stuck at loading. Figure out this is not regular maintain so check out 4rum and i am here. BTW this morning around 10am LA time when i was doing my dialy i noticed that the server connection is quited slow and at some point i though i disconnected. Which never have happened before.

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