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[ Help ] Question about Triple Healer


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 8
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On 2017-09-21 01:05:29Show All Posts

hmm the way i find effective is a tricky one and should be attempted if your connection dosent betray you with lag time . Have one guy who can ignite them all (fire main does the job nicely/ Wind main with Sand dust and a roshi is splendid too) Wait faor the standard heal to go out after the fourth healer has done the standard iginte that team and then some ( if youre a rich guy use king of hell for better results), then keep doing this wth your regular attacks and mystery and control the last healer after the first 2 have healed XD piss that team owner soo much that he uses up all the heals in about a one or two rounds, then eat them alive with ignite and poison


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