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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-08 22:22:28Show All Posts

Again The Hurting and Pains Is Spread From The Stronger, Wealthy Nation to the Small; Poorer Nation, and its time for me to STAND AGAIN ...

Others have heard of my 'child' accomplishment, such as Akatsuki, Demons of Mist, S rank criminals .. yet they haven't heard of me ... The Creator.

I miss conspiring with HIM, only he is comparable to me in the grand of scale, yet he still cant forget the humiliation he got from that woody kage... as we both started

the Akatsuki, me manipulating from the shadow while him in the light of things, yet he's dead again .. and i'm still here .. alone .. but my desire for destruction wont stop ........

and my toys are now ready ... with all my resources poured , now it is the time .. and Konoha will again be the one that started the fire of oblivion.

Go my child, you wont remember me, you wont even recognized me for all your memory is sealed ... all 5 of you are given plenty of 'gift' from me and mother nature. From earth, fire, wind, water and lastly lightning, you all will be the trigger .... and i, your creator; will again stand within the shadows ... looking, manipulating, for you to arrive as others before you - To end the Ninja World!!!

Sources (From Bingo Book - Page X)

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