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[ Events ] Chance for Minato ?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-08 04:03:35Show All Posts

If I may ask, can only 1 person get a rare ninja from these per server? I've seen that tend to happen.


May-Only I got Sasori, no other rares recorded.

June-1 person got Hashirama...however, me and another person got Tendo from them, without announcement, Tendo was reported to have a higher rate however, as more people got him then I'd expect.

July-1 person got Sasori

August-Only I got Tobirama, no other rares recorded

This month-None yet.

Note:This only includes my server.

This post was last edited by Resilliance on 2017-09-08 04:04:53.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-08 05:21:05Show All Posts
  • God of Wind On 2017-09-08 04:56:44
  • dude now many boxes u open for those?

The amount I opened when I got them was different for each

1 for Sasori

55 for Tendo

and 10 for Tobirama

I had about 30 before Tendo, and maybe 15 before Sasori, but Tobirama was in the first 10

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-08 05:42:27Show All Posts
  • God of Wind On 2017-09-08 05:32:48
  • share some luck brother :3

Eh, I really want my Minato/Hashirama....

But someone on my server's gonna pull like, 300, so...if they get Hashirama, and it's 1 rare per server....*sigh*

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-08 06:51:15Show All Posts
  • Brandenlol On 2017-09-08 06:41:15
  • Would also like to know if the box ninjas are still 1 a day or if it was ever changed.

...1 a day?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-08 07:19:36Show All Posts
  • Brandenlol On 2017-09-08 07:09:15
  • Yes. Box ninjas were 1 a day per server. Idk if it was ever changed.

That's new news, I've only ever seen once per week per server/merged...

I want someone to confirm which is true

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-08 10:46:25Show All Posts
  • Jiburiru On 2017-09-08 09:10:04
  • Nope, there is no limit to the number of players who can get the rare ninja from the Mission Gift Boxes, but some ninjas are rarer than others from my experience.


I see...if you don't mind me asking, have you seen 2 box ninjas from these (Excluding Tendo, I think he was bugged or something, anyways) appear on 1 server, like 2 Tobirama in 1 week? Just curious, that's all, and if it's true and we can get unlimited, that's a relief for me :p

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-09 00:53:59Show All Posts

I see...thanks for the evidence

This'll prove...useful

Edit:Speaking of Minato, has anyone even gotten Jonin Minato yet from this...?

This post was last edited by Resilliance on 2017-09-09 02:37:23.
Quicky Post

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