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Fateful choice question


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On 2017-08-29 08:31:38Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So, for the event. It says on the last day, only reward claims will be available, Do they mean the 30th or the 31st?

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On 2017-08-29 09:23:36Show this Author Only
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On 2017-08-29 19:18:48Show this Author Only

So on the 30th, it's only redemption?

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On 2017-08-29 20:47:30Show this Author Only

Yup, that is correct.

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On 2017-08-30 01:29:13Show this Author Only

To not make new topic,my question is kinda related,what is worth to get from this event?Full Tenten,or 6 charm packs,or 20 adv.refines?Or 5 Minato frags?

This post was last edited by Cornholio on 2017-08-30 01:29:35.
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On 2017-08-30 02:23:37Show this Author Only
  • Resilliance On 2017-08-29 19:18:48
  • So on the 30th, it's only redemption?

Hi, on 30th Aug, is it before 5am or after 5am?

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On 2017-08-30 02:25:20Show this Author Only
  • Cornholio On 2017-08-30 01:29:13
  • To not make new topic,my question is kinda related,what is worth to get from this event?Full Tenten,or 6 charm packs,or 20 adv.refines?Or 5 Minato frags?

I would go for advanced refines, and put some mote coupons in to get to 750 contribution for another 10 advanced refines

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On 2017-08-30 03:18:57Show this Author Only

I'm going for 1010, I'm a pokemon trainer! :D

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On 2017-08-30 05:03:24Show this Author Only
  • Waifuu On 2017-08-30 02:23:37
  • Hi, on 30th Aug, is it before 5am or after 5am?

Sigh apparently the rewards is after 12am on 30th aug.

I spend coupons in the hopes that it was after 5am and that's all wasted now.

Can anyone confirm that they are able to claim their rewards today?

This post was last edited by Waifuu on 2017-08-30 05:05:34.
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On 2017-08-30 06:19:41Show this Author Only

Bump, anyone claimed their 10 advanced refines today?

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On 2017-08-30 07:43:38Show this Author Only
  • Waifuu On 2017-08-30 06:19:41
  • Bump, anyone claimed their 10 advanced refines today?

Depending on what you mean by "Today".

For US players, "today" is the 29th, so no, not yet But for HK players, "today" is the 30th (at time of post) and maybe they have.

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On 2017-08-30 08:17:58Show this Author Only

why is their two refresh times? why wouldnt this event end at the server refresh and why do some stop at 12? make everything reset at a single reset time instread of making two so we know when all events and things do so we dont miss out or was that the goal to make us miss out? i cant see any reason why there would be two reset times this is the only game i have seen like that and it needs to be changed and should have long ago games been around over a year and this should have been adressed long ago imo

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On 2017-08-30 08:23:43Show this Author Only

I just tested it and I can still use the Orbs of Vitality.

Edit: Ill ask someone from the team as to when the claim date for the advance refine runes is.

This post was last edited by Exvius on 2017-08-30 08:27:14.
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On 2017-08-30 08:59:50Show this Author Only

fateful choice event makes me so sad *..i used all my coupons before 12am then after 12am they can still use the orb then i used my other account to increase again the points before 5am then after that, the orb can still use. now i wasted all coupons and inggots. they should make things clear *

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On 2017-08-30 09:43:59Show this Author Only

Event will still be there tomorrow, August 31, but is only available to claim rewards.

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On 2017-08-30 09:52:22Show this Author Only

and i screwed up bigtime time they should make things clearly on when the event will end.coz i used all my orbs coupons and inggots yesterday

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On 2017-08-30 09:55:23Show this Author Only
  • Exvius On 2017-08-30 09:43:59
  • Event will still be there tomorrow, August 31, but is only available to claim rewards.

by the way.may i know until what time the orb can be use? after 12am the orb cannot be used or after 5am?

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On 2017-08-30 09:58:43Show this Author Only
  • galavana On 2017-08-30 09:55:23
  • by the way.may i know until what time the orb can be use? after 12am the orb cannot be used or after 5am?

oh nvm i just saw the countdown of orbs of vitality at shop its until 11:59pm today..tnx btw

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On 2017-08-30 11:20:06Show this Author Only

Atleast I still got my tenten

Now I have 101 ninja

...Gotta catch 'em all...

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On 2017-08-30 11:26:31Show this Author Only

Also a little frustrated by this because last time this event rolled around it ended on the day that was posted and wouldn't let you do anything but claim, but now it's technically extended a day based on the last experience... I've now been burned by this twice lol. Either way it's not a huge deal by itself but lately it's been getting even more difficult to trust an events duration, what's going on here?

Quicky Post

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