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[ Lineup ] Rednubes - Western Naruto lineup simulator


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-28 14:20:50Show All Posts
  • Wabbelbomber On 2017-12-28 04:49:47
  • We finally managed to add the screenshot function last night...hopefully you will find this more easy to add compared of thise cut-together screenshots and "x x Main" written formation xd

    Formation Screenshot (1)

Is it possible to use this site without Coin * malware? I understand you need money, but i will not stand with losing my pc performance for it. Problem is that you don't give me the option to use site but not download malware, and that is really bad. Please don't just put it out there as we are going to run this on your pc anyway, but explain to people what it is and how to avoid it. Thanks.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-28 21:54:44Show All Posts
  • Wabbelbomber On 2017-12-28 20:35:30
  • Its not quite malware, its just an simple javascript miner.

    I can see ppl get upset about it since its using quite a chunk of your cpu...but ur not supposed to run das simulator all day long anyway xd

    Weve been trying for months to find an solution where users could "support us" on own will, including this minerscript to just run if youre ok with it...out of over 6000 ppl using our site everyday, barely any1 bothered to even click on the small adds we added at the early stage of our simulator.

    There are 2 ways to bypass this script:

    -you could donate a buck and it will be disabled for you

    -We dont plan to take any anti-antiscript measurements , so you could simply block the script (you will find various guides on this on google)


This post was last edited by Glorfyndel on 2017-12-29 00:23:22.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-29 00:21:51Show All Posts

Ok, I haven't looked at site for 2 weeks, and last time there wasn't such info. I would apologize for that and delete my comment as you have done exactly what i wanted from the start, nothing more. (I will delete so it doesn't confuse people reading here). My comments had their place 2 weeks ago, however i left it behind, its just that seeing the post reminded me.

Again sorry and have a great time, thanks for the work you put in it.

Quicky Post

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