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[ PVP ] double and triple healer water teams


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-29 03:14:15Show All Posts
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-08-29 02:08:52
  • pls come to server 2 so u can see how wrong u r, the main tank for some of these teams is just a meat shield to protect the wm who has 25k hp, using all ur damage just to kill the meat shield does not mean u will win, when the main damage is poison and the 2 healers r the only things they need to stay alive killing a meat shield is pointless

I mean Shadow you literally have ninjas that can completely shut down double healers (Susano'o Itachi, Masked Man) and you have the best tanks and dps around. Don't complain about something they cant fix because they have no power to fix it when you have easy solutions to your problems right in front of you my dude.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-29 08:43:54Show All Posts
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-08-29 08:35:10
  • i can complain while waiting cant i? they aren't mutually exclusive. y r u guys complaining so much about me wanting water to finaly get nerfed?

You're hoping for something that isn't going to happen for a long time, adapt while you still can my dude and maybe you will be able to beat Slazar without going to 10 rounds

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-29 09:02:52Show All Posts
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-08-29 08:54:52
  • its going to come before the end of the year at this rate, i wouldnt call that a long time.

    @molds, he survived to 10 rounds cause i messed up multiple times, i kinda didnt realy care too much since he didnt have the damage to beat me and his total health was lower so i could have went afk without auto and still won. dont know y u guys think using earth main sailor sakura and gakido and going 10 rounds is something amazing anyway, its a tank team its meant to live long, and its not op, it trades living a long time for not dealing damage, thats called balance.

mhm but he was 40k power below you, you shouldn't have any problems with beating someone that much weaker than you

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