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[ Events ] Event Feedbacks - 24th August


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-26 16:48:20Show All Posts
  • Cornholio On 2017-08-26 15:57:16
  • Server : 480

    Region : UK

    Current BP : 47K

    Events : Lucky Trow

    Opinion : It need to go.Its RNG,people hate it,i hate it,its not rewarding as others weekend events,its lame,its bad.........on others games i seen mini games like jewels,or fishing,something like that will be better than 3 dice toss

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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-26 16:56:28Show All Posts


Region: UK

Current BP: 62K

Events: Ninjutsu Trial

Opinion: I don't like it mainly because timer is too fast in it and you have to be really quick to get all 3 Ninjutsus right.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 9
  • Posts: 242
On 2017-08-26 20:58:16Show All Posts
  • Cornholio On 2017-08-26 19:16:50
  • Puzzle give 40 coupons,6 seal frags,chase give 1 seal and ninjas frags,guarantee,what throw give?Sure,you can get 50 coupons,or 3 seals,but so far didnt hear someone get that.Most of the time you get BBQ,dango,magatama.Its lame RNG event,as i say,not rewarding as others weekend events

    edit:To not start new post,RNG mean random number generator,basicaly play with luck,sometimes hit jackpot,most of time get nothing

Sorry to say this but what is RNG event? Now when you mentioned those rewards I think I change my mind. It really isn't so rewarding than other Weekend events. I still don't like that Ninjutsu trial event at all because it really is so fast that timer I mean and I have to be really quick to get all 3 Ninjutsus right.

Quicky Post

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