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[ Fanart ] AzureBlade? MidnightFang? [EDIT- COLORED]


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-17 16:09:42Show All PostsDescending Order
1# Go To

Dis' but a rough sketch, gonna work more on it in a few days~~

Pairing? Might be :P Tho, not my fav~

Plot? Some cool festival in middle of summer, perfect occasion to wear those awesome kimonos and... get pranked by Scarlet into drinking something that appeared to not be so much of innocent soda.

Result? Azure having fun ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Cheers luvs

EDIT: did some coloring~

Midnight: What do I have to deal with 'cause of you, people...



This post was last edited by Tiami on 2017-08-17 16:09:42.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-15 21:58:08Show All Posts
  • Dosu On 2017-08-15 21:47:59
  • Wow, that looks really nice. All the little details in those kimonos though~

Midnighty's kimono need a rework on the pattern for sure- drawing from memory~ But everything will be corrected and coloured, sooner or later ^^

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-16 13:17:51Show All Posts
  • KaHa104 On 2017-08-16 08:21:28
  • Azure: "Hey Midnight, let's take a picture together "

    Midnight: "No way!"

    Azure took Midnight arm

    Azure: "Here we go! 1, 2,3 cheers "

    Inside Midnight head~

    Midnight: "Huhhh, why are you doing this to me? "

    And Scarlet is staring at them while taking the picture.

    LOOOL That is on my head while looking at your picture XD. Nice Tiami

Midnighty need some chill, especially with those little goofs around

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-16 15:00:03Show All Posts
  • 曙Dawn On 2017-08-16 14:35:23
  • Wahhhhhh!!!!!! I love it! I'm a big fan of AF x MB. XD Which is obvious if you read my story. LOL. But wahhhhhh!!!!! Thank you so much for doing this! You just made my shipping dreams come true! XD

    Can't wait to see more AF x MB drawings from you, Tiami-san. ^^

Haha, I'm glad you like it so much ^.^ To be honest my fav ship is Scarlet x Azure but every ship deserve some love

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-16 22:29:26Show All Posts
  • ClumsyDrawer On 2017-08-16 21:34:36
  • man, I love it! and I think the fitting name is, Azure made, I think

Now...I need motivation to do ALL THE STUFF so I will have time to finish this v_v'

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-17 16:26:55Show All Posts
  • Naked Snake On 2017-08-17 16:17:05
  • Tryting to think of a situation where Midnight is just dragged by any other main, trying to take a picture with him. Now I'm just laughing

Ya know, Uni-kun xD hahhahahaha I'm laughing way harder 'cause on my desk there is already a little sketch of him and Scarlet in same situation x'D

Great minds thinks alike, I guess

Sorry for bad quality x)


This post was last edited by Tiami on 2017-08-17 16:54:19.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-17 17:17:22Show All Posts
  • TCOdelt On 2017-08-17 16:52:50
  • Hey, that's an amazing drawing! Truly an eternal artwork

Thank you, TaCO-kun

Quicky Post

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