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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-16 06:15:14Show All Posts

yep so top 9 could make their own group of super p2w 3team formation and take all 3 lands everytime and always win why do they keep screwing us and the game up? ninja tool nerf, mood scrolls, ninja tool nerf again, kage treasure bug, the summon bug we never got compensated for (they have no olans of doing so i asked) and soooooo many more anyways they do know we have many ppl who play just for the group and for war and doing this will make them stop playing this makes it so numbers dont matter only high power and money matter , kinda goes against that episode where money jutsu always wins but naruto porves it doesnt but not in this version of the game lol

This post was last edited by ryano on 2017-08-16 06:15:34.
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