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[ Bugs ] Bugs after server merge


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-02 08:06:42Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So, apparently after the server merge of servers: 386,368,392 the space-time events stopped working, after challenging someone you get a loading icon for about 6 seconds and than it dosen't do anything, i posted about it on the support center and i was told to clean my browser history and cache, i tried that and it didn't work, neither did the client or even after trying on another laptop,

now sage battlefield isn't working either, when you try to enter the list of opponents of sage shows up along with the battlefields point counter, but it dosen't change the map and after a couple of seconds it says that i lost connection due to poor connection, problem is the same message is showing up to everyone in the server.

if something could be done to repair both it would be appreciated.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-02 21:34:12Show this Author Only

same here !!

#Summon Daiske

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On 2017-08-02 21:44:31Show this Author Only

Newly merged server 377 is the same. Cant wait to get our 2 low level refines and 30,000 coins as compensation for not being able to participate.

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On 2017-08-03 00:59:13Show this Author Only

Also we did not receive our daily rewards in the mail from space time either.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-03 07:57:30Show this Author Only


Thank you all for the reports, I will notify our team of the issue :)

Please be patient for the time being, I apologize for the inconvenience.

Quicky Post

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