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kage treasure bug or rigged


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On 2017-07-30 10:00:02Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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hi qolem,

first of all why close my thread when my issue is not resolved your answer didnt even answered my question? your sample even says you pulled from 90. dude i used 90 ss + 2 weeks free draw and no rare.. what you and support will reply mybe around 100-120? are you kidding me every reply you will increase the number of ss?

This post was last edited by rhemi on 2017-07-30 10:00:02.
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On 2017-07-30 11:33:04Show this Author Only

He did the same to my post. I mean seriously? 840 draws and every 50 to 60 draws on those 840 seals i got a rare ninja(2.0) and all of sudden in 3.0 i did 60 draws and not a rare ninja. There's something wrong with this.

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On 2017-07-30 18:01:41Show this Author Only

there can be only one logical answer ..he closes the thread so you can`t further prove your case or ask further details regarding a issue ...

he also stated it`s highly unlikely to avoid getting a character out of a limited pool of characters with exact same drop rate ? then how do you explain the fact that i still haven`t pulled a Ao or Mabui after 460 scrolls ( mind you that hose 2 ninjas are common drops and i mention only scrolls used so free draws are not included in the count ) yet i have gotten temari 9 times , heck i even gotten darui 3 times. " same drop among same quality of ninjas " my arse , when there is a clear disproportion .... also rares dropping way later and harder than before update (my last rare pull was at 90 scrolls ) it`s clear as day that something is wrong with that treasure ...

This post was last edited by Max642 on 2017-07-30 18:14:56.
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On 2017-07-30 19:54:44Show this Author Only

Guys don'tknow what to friend got onoki this morningand kage gaara yesterday with total of 30 pulls and I did 30 pulls just now and got itachi twice (withoutsusano frags-there wad always susano frags when I got itachi but none this timel and got Cee for like 10 million time almost 5 star him im at 890 now and I dont really know cause if the whole treasure is like that maybe even the super rare isnt fixed anymore in 700 -1100 range..

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On 2017-07-30 20:35:27Show this Author Only

of course they delete the threads. they have no info whatsoever about the game, they have to write to HQ and wait for answer mostly. Plus anything regarding rigged events, pulsl etc is forbidden. All you can discuss is how great the game it is (the game is great just employees not so much) or it is deleted

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On 2017-07-30 22:17:53Show this Author Only

before the new version 3.0 i c*e 60 seal scrolls in kage tresure and get a rare ninja .now i used 80 seal scrolls in the new version and i got nothing i need help

thanks ^_^

This post was last edited by tobi-tobi on 2017-07-31 01:17:54.
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On 2017-07-30 22:31:49Show this Author Only

same i used 100 scrolls (so no including free draw) and do not have rare ? I understand that there is no rule you gonna get one in 60 pulls, but before update it was only rare cases and now, as you can see in the post is getting more common.

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On 2017-07-30 22:40:29Show this Author Only

this os a bug issue as i said im still having the problem as insaid in last one and its been going on before 3.0 i even had other ppl do 80 for me so they could see i suggest everyone stop pulling till we find out whats going on

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On 2017-07-30 22:53:13Show this Author Only

k Jib then if its not changed answer me this... my friend says his pulls were 140-170 .. so his first was mifune-60 then he said he got mei-120 and had 2 pulls before 3.0 ... now 3.0 he draws yesterday and he gets kage gaara... 150 pull today he said he pulled 2 times and he got mabui on 160 and onoki on 170... that never happens... never... i am happy for him but this treasure is changed or broken somehow.. i talked with the guy who had 140 seals in and no rare... that is not fair and you know it.. its sad for someone to spend 140 seals and not get a rare.. its changed or broken... gotta be something.

This is from other two posts i posted ... the treasure is changed or broken.. its sad for the guy who pulled 140 and no rare... Glad for my friend but still.

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On 2017-07-30 22:53:40Show this Author Only
  • ryano On 2017-07-30 22:40:29
  • this os a bug issue as i said im still having the problem as insaid in last one and its been going on before 3.0 i even had other ppl do 80 for me so they could see i suggest everyone stop pulling till we find out whats going on

having the same prob!

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On 2017-07-30 23:00:11Show this Author Only

i have the same problem before 3.0 i got mifune and chojuro and now i pulled 60 aside from free pulls i got nothing but kisame and temari fkc.

This post was last edited by Aiken on 2017-07-30 23:01:05.
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On 2017-07-30 23:02:12Show this Author Only
  • Tenichi On 2017-07-30 22:53:40
  • having the same prob!

im sorry but guess glad its not just me it seems like the amount it takes for a rare went way up it was around when the newer treasures came out let alone as light main i seem to only get earth dude and chick and onk dupes and around 840+ range and still cant get a super rare or darui well any ninja at this point since its been 80-90 draws per ninja and cant even get the one i want at least if i git him he would be worth the extra amount im having to use , also i feel like draws should give set frags like packs cuz getting 20 from a dupe is rough drawing a ninja 6 times for 4* seems a bit much unless we could pick who we got and way more pulls for the treasures that give 2*

This post was last edited by ryano on 2017-07-30 23:07:58.
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On 2017-07-30 23:11:01Show this Author Only
  • Aiken On 2017-07-30 23:00:11
  • i have the same problem before 3.0 i got mifune and chojuro and now i pulled 60 aside from free pulls i got nothing but kisame and temari fkc.

good luck hope you dont get stuck like i did was up to 110 before i got a rare one of the times but has been around 80 for a bit

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On 2017-07-31 00:22:19Show this Author Only

A few of my group members have pulled over 80 + all of those free pulls and nothing something is wrong here.

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On 2017-07-31 00:42:57Show this Author Only
  • Ronin345 On 2017-07-31 00:22:19
  • A few of my group members have pulled over 80 + all of those free pulls and nothing something is wrong here.

yep clearly with this many ppl saying stuff its a bug or change its not suddenly every one at the same time has bad rng or maybe the rng got lowered... all i know is we deserve to know whats going one its been happening for awile for me and i didnt say anything cuz assumed it was just me until a few weeks ago when our whole group concluded something changed then forums were down so couldnt post about it anymore and mentioned it before im so tired of all the bs and getting screwed over -_- its bad enough we only get 20 frags for a dupe wile never getting darui or super rare but now thats even being taken from me for what? why? if any treasure should be higher it should be newer ones and oldest epbeing easiest

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On 2017-07-31 02:37:10Show this Author Only

well its more than 24 hours and my ticket is ignored they didnt response. Mods don't bother anymore i think?

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On 2017-07-31 07:43:36Show this Author Only
  • rhemi On 2017-07-31 02:37:10
  • well its more than 24 hours and my ticket is ignored they didnt response. Mods don't bother anymore i think?

yea well they did answer some sayin nothing changes but hopefully they noticed all of us having issues and are busy getting it fixed

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On 2017-07-31 08:38:49Show this Author Only

Hey there,

I believe I also said that I forwarded the issue to our team.

I understand you may be angry with how it works, however I tried to give a possible solution, for the time that I will wait for the answer.

Please refrain from creating further threads about this situation, we are already aware of the problem, further escalation of the issue will not help in any way.

Quicky Post

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