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[ PVP ] My thoughts on the "State of the Game" (Touches on Water main and a bit more)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-30 17:50:24Show All Posts
  • Akidonoki On 2017-07-30 05:32:26
  • hm, can i ask your level and power? these issues are relevant only to new players and servers.... 30-40k suffer from this, if your above or below that there isnt much of an issue... but ill reply anyway

    Do you like healing half your HP and clearing debuffs with 1 ability? this has counter play, its called ignite

    Do you like poisoning which does way too much damage? this has counter play, its called debuffing

    Do you like acupuncture with your standard? this has a low combo chance

    Do you like having better tank growth stats than the Tank Main(Earth)? lolwut, must of never played earth main...

    Do you like CCing everyone? this is rng and you cant rely on chaosing 4 people every single turn, you can barely hope to chaos a single 1 without chases, and even then immunity's and debuffs will roflstomp you

    have you done with Kakashi. The sixth hokage is useless. Just let that sink in, THE SIXTH HOKAGE IS USELESS??? I appear to misunderstand what your saying, wheres 6th hokage kakashi? i want him, hes so bad ass... i want 6th hokage kakashi please!!! wait.... your talking about a ninja who came out on day 1 being unviable in a meta for ninjas that are designed 2 years after.... crap... if only i was as high as the person writing this, maybe i need to short some of those healing tips that you love so much, but you know, kakashi, the fragile guy who admits to having almost no chakra whatsoever, lets logic him and say hes got godtank clones with his infintie chakra reserves cause im legit!!

    look man, learn about what ninjas your talking about and what meta they are designed for before getting drunk and blaming everyone for your problems on the forums.... kakashi that almsot lost to a zabuza who could barely fight at 1/20th his normal strength as the 6th hokage? lol k, the guy didnt even have mangekyo at this point, he admitted he could barely summon 2-3 clones, you want this guy to have a clone thats super tanky to provide shields and be blasting off cannona* from his eyes?

Your breakdown of the water main has many flaws. While you answer correctly for each individual problem I think you will find that you completely dismissed that all those attributes that make water OP work together. Sure ignite stops healing, but last time I checked a 3 healer team can clear debuffs quite easily. So sure, if you are fighting a rookie maybe they will waste a heal mystery on ignited people..but it's far more likely they will wait until their Hokage Tsunade clears all those debuffs herself, and THEN use the healing myst. Their CC is also pretty OP, you can say it relies on RNG all you want but you gotta remember that the water main isn't the only one attacking, and again unless the water main is a rookie then they aren't gonna waste their mysteries... No, what they will do is wait until the end of round 2, lock someone down and then immediately lock down another ninja at the start of R3. As for clearing the poison debuff, when they have sailor sakura as their move 4 that is kind of hard to do.

Most people who use 3 heal teams aren't exactly the top powers on their servers, so often times they will go last on their move 4. Of course, there are ways for elite players to purposefully slow down their move 4...but like I mentioned before, unless this 3 healer person is a rookie, they aren't gonna just let you get away with that..they will copy you and also slow down their fourth.

The point that you cannot ignore here is that water main covers every area that a ninja could possibly hope to cover. They have high HP, they are great at healing, they can CC, and they can cause some pretty massive damage over time with poison. And a lot of times that "Damage over time" means someones dead in a few rounds...Oh, the icing on this cake is that all that I mentioned is just one build, they don't have to pick or choose which area they want to be. When healing tips stack, that is even worse.

What main can reasonably beat a ninja with 20k or even 30k more power than them? There is only one. Water Main. If you want some proof just look at space time. But I'll give you an exact example. There is a player by the name of MysticBlade in the server groupings of my space time. He has the highest power by far in this grouping and has won every single Space Time tournament that we have had thus far. That is until he came across a 3 healer team with 30k-ish less power than him. Sure, it was a very interesting thing to see..and I'm proud of the guy who beat him- but my point is that clearly there is something ridiculously OP about these 3 heal teams. The b/s GNW Tenten teams aren't that bad..but when you combine Sailor Sakura, Water main, and Hokage Tsunade you got some issues with balance.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-30 17:55:43Show All Posts
  • Karissaa On 2017-07-30 15:29:31
  • A water class has not won our space time in weeks, This week was fire and last week was lighting. I myself fight stronger water class people all the time, but 8/10 of those fights i win. But HOW ?????????????

    Its called using your BRAIN...Stop blaming others, put in a little effort, stop trying to get the easy fix. Like i said theres a reason why water has not won our Space time in weeks

    Lighting Blitz can still kill most ninja on Round 1, but yet u come on here and talk about water. When water can kill a ninja round 1, then ill come to see things your way but till then Lighting is still King and needs a Nerf

You left out the part where you purposefully threw your 3 matches against that fire main. All because you knew you would even told them so. You told him go water main or he will lose. So don't try to use a fire main winning as an excuse lol. And in any case the guy who has been winning it before this week had a 30k power advantage over most ppl. AND HE LOST TO A WATER MAIN WITH 30k LESS POWER THAN HIM! Use your brain and realize that the * isn't balanced.

You talk about Lightning blitz a lot but I know for a fact that lightning blitz isn't going to win a fight against someone with 30k more power than them..but wait? What can? Oh right, the broken ass water main.

This post was last edited by Beji on 2017-07-30 17:56:58.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-31 08:03:00Show All Posts
  • Karissaa On 2017-07-30 18:50:48
  • If someone says hey if i was water i would beat u, why wouldnt i tell them to go water to prove it. As i stated i have beaten stronger way more power then me water class people and i didnt want there to be any doubt in his mind.

    About the saying i would win, that was just a joke before the 2 new ninja came out thats Wednesday and he brought them both

    Now the last part You Forgot the most important thing and thats the BRAIN, Im water, i have gotten in fights with him and lost, Some people think im pretty good at playing my class, Yet i could not beat him

    That water guy that beat him was weaker then me, but used his BRAIN, made a formation that i never would of came up with, Switch his talents Mags runes and other stuff around, talked to people on the server like myself that have gotten into fights with mystic, did duels with myself and others.

    So Dont u DARE come on here and say O hes water. So thats why he won, NO he put in the Dam work, and thats why he WON, Also if people wonder who that player name is.

    His name is Dien and to me the best dam water player in this game, well thats until i beat him

Most the people in the top 10 don't play water BECAUSE it is OP. They don't want to have to play an OP class to win. Even Dien changed after cuz he got bored of water. When water is the only class that can beat someone 30k stronger than them its OP. You can't talk in circles and excuse that fact away. Sure, he put in some work on his team, what do you think the strongest players do? They are putting in work AND money. So quit with your ego driven bull * Karissaa. Your "work" only works because you use an OP class. If you were any other main you would not win with all your "Work" that should tell you that the class you use is OP.

Quicky Post

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