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[ PVP ] My thoughts on the "State of the Game" (Touches on Water main and a bit more)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-26
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On 2017-07-30 19:03:42Show All Posts

There will always be a class that's somewhat stronger than the others in every game. Regardless of how hard you try to balance things.

Water immortal teams are a pain i give you that. They are hard to kill and work against most opponents. But you know, fightnig againsta fully buffed DP Hidan and a fire main usually ends up in defeat if you use water (or many other classes for that matter).

The water meta with tenten is the only meta lineup that can be easily gotten by f2p and small spenders so no wonder it's all over the place. Fire earth and lightning metas require more time/money in order to be as effective. For lightning blitz if you dont go first you are dead so you have to spend a lot in initiative as well.

Is water strong? yes

Is it easier to make very strong teams using water mains than the other 4? yes

Is the water teams the strongest? No, paying players have access to extremely powerful ninjas such as DP Hidan, Ay or the susanoos.

Is the bootleg immortal team a pain? Hell yes, but you need hokage tsunade and she is a premium ninja. So odds are you would loose against that player anyways if he has access to such ninjas and you don't.

Besides all of this is a mute point. As far as i understand Oasis can't nerf/buff ninjas without Tencent's consent (publisher can't modify gameplay, only events/rewards, etc.). So you really think tencent will ever hear about our complaints?

  • Registered: 2017-07-26
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On 2017-07-30 21:42:15Show All Posts
  • SecretzPT On 2017-07-30 20:42:43
  • XD So they should just leave water? Btw one of the strongest teams ever is water, and for paying players, the 6 tails, Tsunade Kage, and Sailor Sakura. Tencent could probably do something about this in due time, if Oas actually puts some effort in for the players.

    EDIT: Water can heal Hidan in no time, and Hidan Literally kills himself, water survives XD

Someone who whas a 6-8 tails and tsunade hokage will surely also have itachi susanoo, ay, susanoo sasuke, roshi or han. Plus odds are higher initiative values and magatamas than you. They could switch their lineup and you would loose.

You just described one of the most expensive and powerful teams in the game, of course it will be overpowered.

Also no, if you have similar BP, DP hidan in move 1 will absolutely destroy tsunade hokage in 1 turn. Specially if you buff him with fire main + Barrier. And i haven't even touched on the possibility of adding Ay to the mix. I run a water teams, both tenten and roshi/han. Every time I face a DP Hidan i know odds are I will loose.

As far as I know, at some point with GNW characters water immortal teams loose their shine so it gets balanced by the available ninjas.

For arguments sake lets imagine water was nerfed. This argument would just change to "Lightning main is OP nerf him", anever ending circle of useless rants. Instead of complainig and wanting to nerf water why not ask for buffs on the 2 most underused classes which are earth and wind. Now that's something I would agree on and it would be a much more sensible argument too.

This post was last edited by Armand__ on 2017-07-30 21:42:55.
  • Registered: 2017-07-26
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On 2017-07-31 05:55:26Show All Posts

It sounds to me that this thread is more a complaint about immortal teams than water teams.

Are immortal teams too strong? Probably, this game has a tendency to favor tanky ninjas and recovery rather than damage.

Does this makes azure fang OP? NO!

People here (me included) have used the immortal cancer teams as the main argument to show how water mains can overcome a 10-15K BP difference and win. But here is a plot twist, Change water main with an earth main and you get the exact same thing in this 3.0 version!

Now that earth main double attack mystery cleanses one layer of debuffs, when it is paired with tsunade hokage's healing stravaganza it becomes just as much a cancer team as if it was a water main with healing tips. There is no poison you say? who cares, he has more life than you and eventually sailor sakura will kil you. Besides now that tsunade is shielded it becomes that much more harder to kill.

Don't believe me? watch the space time finals of this past tournament and marvel at how earth immortal team beats water immortal team since it has more base life, with 5-10K BP LESS than the water cancer.

You want to change things so that cancer immortal teams stop dominating? fine. It won;t happen, since the game favors this mechanic but it is something i can understand. Wanting to nerf one main because of cancer teams is pointless. Nerf water? no matter here comes Earth to replace her right away, hell it might replace her regardless. Nerf water and Earth? Well congratz lightning you will rule like you did in the early days of this game.

Finally, you say you c*e ninjas that can dodge/roshi type ninjas to beat lightnig blitz? If that's the case your opponent is not using the correct setup. Iruka/minato get rolled over by lightning blitz. Roshi's big problem right now is that lightning blitz kills him round 1! He is not Han. Either you use Han to stop blitz, pray they don't kill your mabui or use masked obito to stop them (you c*e hinata as well buth then round 2 you are probably dead).

Quicky Post

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