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[ PVP ] My thoughts on the "State of the Game" (Touches on Water main and a bit more)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-30 15:29:31Show All Posts

A water class has not won our space time in weeks, This week was fire and last week was lighting. I myself fight stronger water class people all the time, but 8/10 of those fights i win. But HOW ?????????????

Its called using your BRAIN...Stop blaming others, put in a little effort, stop trying to get the easy fix. Like i said theres a reason why water has not won our Space time in weeks

Lighting Blitz can still kill most ninja on Round 1, but yet u come on here and talk about water. When water can kill a ninja round 1, then ill come to see things your way but till then Lighting is still King and needs a Nerf

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-30 18:50:48Show All Posts

If someone says hey if i was water i would beat u, why wouldnt i tell them to go water to prove it. As i stated i have beaten stronger way more power then me water class people and i didnt want there to be any doubt in his mind.

About the saying i would win, that was just a joke before the 2 new ninja came out thats Wednesday and he brought them both

Now the last part You Forgot the most important thing and thats the BRAIN, Im water, i have gotten in fights with him and lost, Some people think im pretty good at playing my class, Yet i could not beat him

That water guy that beat him was weaker then me, but used his BRAIN, made a formation that i never would of came up with, Switch his talents Mags runes and other stuff around, talked to people on the server like myself that have gotten into fights with mystic, did duels with myself and others.

So Dont u DARE come on here and say O hes water. So thats why he won, NO he put in the Dam work, and thats why he WON, Also if people wonder who that player name is.

His name is Dien and to me the best dam water player in this game, well thats until i beat him

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-30 23:30:41Show All Posts

Whats a lie?? Here are FACTS, i can tell u just from what i have seen and maybe u can compare

I look at me server top 10 ranking in power, are they all water ? i mean water so broken, and cant lose, everyone should be playing it right? i mean people dont like to lose which is why they also spend money on the game, to not lose, but check out your power ranking and if all top 10 are water plz SS then i will take water is op serious

Space time, when was last time some water in your group won it?? Water So op it should not be called space time, but WATER time, its been weeks since a water, has won my group space time, but plz as well show me a SS of all 4 water reaching the end of space, cause i mean Water is so OP why would u play anything else

Just cause u want to be lazy or cause u feel the need to not change up your team by adding a ninja, or changing a talent or spending money does not make a class OP just cause u as a player do not want to Adapt

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-31 04:25:03Show All Posts

That Video makes me LOL, If u know somebody going to use a formation and u have weeks to plan for it, that what Dien did. Mystic used that formation for weeks, killed pretty much anybody and everybody with it.

When in your life playing this game have u ever seen anybody use that formation outside that battle the answer is NEVER, it was made just for that battle and that formation, yet cause he had weeks to plan for that battle Water is OP. yeah ok LOL

if mystic cared, all he would of needed was mask man to stun the gakido , DP hidan for the tag and extra dmg on sailor sakura, full lighting main blitz talents, and wind blade asuma for the extra 20 mana and extra dmg u gain from being at full life with the extra 30k++ power im pretty sure that sailor would of died no problem if he stack them on the bottom to target her

i say that cause a lighting blitz thats only 5k stronger then me can kill my sailor with little to no effort

But cause this player didnt feel like changing his formation or talents or adding other ninja water is OP yeah ok

im pretty sure other could come up with other formation or maybe switching to a different class , he could of used to beat dien, but its ok , lets just say water is OP and not use our BRAINS

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-01 01:17:02Show All Posts

ENOUGH SAID Watch this Vid

LOL i think i might be able to pull it off. Cant wait for the Earth is OP nerf it post after i run that team for a couple of weeks

lol if water is cancer, people need to come up with a new name for those Earth teams, cause to me, was the most boring thing i ever skim through

also show some love to that youtuber, he did his best to make it fun to watch if u stay and watch it

Quicky Post

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