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[ PVP ] My thoughts on the "State of the Game" (Touches on Water main and a bit more)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-31 00:02:32Show All Posts

My first and last post for this topic. TLTR

Forcing me to change in order to counter a class is *.

Can you explain how this become *?

I'll give you a scenario.

One day you are a high school student at Bla bla school. Your teacher confronted you that you need to study more to pass 3rd year high school or else you will fail. The question is will you pass your current year? The answer is NO. Why? Because you don't want to study. You don't want to CHANGE, you still want to be the same you failing in class, instead of changing and studying.

Now I will ask you this? Who is the * one now? Your teacher that told you to study to pass your grade or YOU that doesn't want to change resulting for you to fail?

This is a basic *ogy that I showed you just to see how your brain works. In real life, you need to change if you want to get something. You will work hard to earn money. You need to change. And that view can be applied here. If you are a crimson fist that can't beat a water main just change to lightning. Problem solved. You can't just go there and force your own earth main to beat a water main unless you pay real money to scale your power and get better ninjas.

The fight is something like this:

Earth Main = specialty defense. If you don't have ninjas that has high attacks you can't win against Water main which specialty is healing + resistance. What do you need to beat a WATER MAIN? Lightning Main someone that has high ATTACK. Attack that is so high he can dish out too much damage in 1 round. You will never beat a RESISTANCE + HEALING ninja with Earth Main unless you have a 2 ninjas in your team that can immobilize 3 of your opponent team.

I will give you another *ogy. One day your mother ask you to go to the LIBRARY which is an hour of commute from your house and research about Lizards. Now as a current generation your household has the INTERNET connection. What will you do? Go to the town and waste an hour of your life just to do things that hard-way or just research the internet and be finished in less than 2 minutes? Your scenario is like this. You want to do it the hard way instead of trying the things that could solve your problems easily.

Now the choice is in your hands. Will you change to your main to defeat a WATER MAIN or you will stay to your principles : I don't need to change my main to win, bla bla bla. Because if you will stay as EARTH main and can't win, blame yourself for your own *!ty. NO one can save you. Remain as an earth main and suffer defeat from the rest of your life here or change to another main and start winning? It's your turn to make a choice: Am I *? or I will going to do my homework and start winning?

This post was last edited by 清美風香 on 2017-07-31 00:05:59.
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