Views: 148135 | Replies: 43
[ Player Guide ] Minato Flak Jacket Lineups


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  • Registered: 2018-02-05
  • Topics: 75
  • Posts: 313
On 2019-05-17 01:33:13Show All Posts
  • Akidonoki On 2017-09-18 07:52:57
  • i use this, i rarely fight water mains though... but i do beat most other things at equal power, and i beat light mains when im 30-40k down

    its heavily dependent on user skill, getting timings on all your jutsus and knowing when and what to do is the key to winning with most if not all teams

    with the release of gaaras skill books the toxicity of this team is going to skyrocket.....

    minato lineup

Replacement for ningendo?

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